Making ChatGPT Write Like A Human: A Short And Comprehensive Guide

Making ChatGPT Write Like A Human: A Short And Comprehensive Guide

Plenty of writers, students, and almost any professional you could think of in any field these days are using AI writing tools. Though many traditional linguists and university professors are greatly irked by its existence, ChatGPT is now every writer’s best friend – nobody can deny this fact.

But the problem with writing long-form articles with ChatGPT is it generates very robotic articles that make the process of learning very monotonous and boring. If you intend to keep writing with an AI tool while still making it very human-like, this is exactly the discussion you’re looking for.

What you’ll learn here:

Why AI-Generated Content Are Greatly Disliked

Before we delve into the discussion, it’s imperative that we understand why an article written with the likes of ChatGPT is greatly undermined by plenty of professionals. Some of these reasons include:

Lack of Originality: AI-generated content may lack the creativity and originality that humans are capable of producing. While AI algorithms can learn and mimic human language, they may not be able to capture the nuances and subtleties of human communication, which can lead to content that feels robotic and formulaic.

Lack of Authenticity: Human readers may also feel that AI-generated content lacks authenticity and may be skeptical about the accuracy and reliability of the information presented. This can be particularly true in cases where the content is generated by bots or algorithms that are not transparent about their sources or methods.

Difficulty in Building Trust: As mentioned, there may be a lack of trust and credibility associated with AI-generated content. Readers may prefer content that is created by humans, who they perceive as more trustworthy and accountable.

Inability to Connect Emotionally: Humans may also find it difficult to connect emotionally with AI-generated content, as it may lack the empathy and emotional intelligence that humans possess. This can make it difficult for AI-generated content to resonate with readers on a personal level.

Risk of Misinterpretation: Finally, there is a risk that AI-generated content may be misinterpreted or misunderstood, particularly in cases where the algorithms used are not trained or programmed to consider cultural or social nuances. This can result in content that is insensitive or offensive, which can damage the reputation of the brand or publisher.

While AI-generated content can be useful in certain contexts, it is important to be mindful of its limitations and potential drawbacks, and to use it in conjunction with human expertise and oversight where appropriate.

Make A Compelling Outline (No Robot Can Do This)

This should serve as the starting point for any AI-tool writer, regardless if they are a newbie or a pro. While using ChatGPT, creating a compelling outline beforehand can help you organize your thoughts and clarify your ideas, making it easier to communicate with the AI.

A well-structured outline provides a clear roadmap for the conversation, ensuring that you stay on topic and cover all the important points. Here are some reasons why creating a compelling outline before using ChatGPT can be helpful:

Clarify your goals: Creating an outline can help you define your goals for the conversation with ChatGPT. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you get the most out of your interaction with the AI.

Stay on topic: A well-structured outline can help you stay on topic and avoid getting sidetracked. This will help you make the most of your time with AI and ensure that you cover all the important points.

Organize your thoughts: Organizing your thoughts before engaging with ChatGPT can help you communicate more clearly and effectively. This will ensure that the AI can understand your questions and provide accurate and helpful responses.

Save time: Creating an outline beforehand can help you save time by providing a clear roadmap for the conversation. This will help you get the information you need more quickly and efficiently.

Having your own outline makes any article you may write more human-like because it originated from your own thoughts. While ChatGPT can indeed provide factual information, it cannot exactly determine what your expected audience really wants. Since nobody knows your readers better than you do, letting an AI writing tool write in accordance with the points you give would be a very wise way of starting an article.

Related Article: Using ChatGPT To Write In Your Own Language or Dialect

Use Clever Prompting Techniques

Plenty of AI writers today use prompting techniques to make their outputs more human-like. The technique can be simply defined as giving a “bracket-enclosed command” that ChatGPT can use as the basis for explaining something. For instance, if you want to write an article with a business tone, you can use a prompt that says “[please explain in a business tone]”, to be followed by a bulleted list of the keywords you want to be explained.

If you are writing a scientific research paper, you may use a prompt like “[please explain ecosystem in a highly scientific way]”. Just bear in mind that to use prompting effectively, you have to be very specific with what you want and enclose that as a command with a bracket.

The potential for using prompting in ChatGPT is practically endless. If you can master this technique and provide clever enhancements in your final output, it is highly unlikely that your articles can be easily detected as AI-generated.

Ask ChatGPT To Write With Analogies

Writing with analogies can be a helpful way to better understand complex topics or ideas. Analogies are comparisons that help to explain any subject by comparing it to something else that is more familiar or relatable. Here are some reasons why it is good to ask ChatGPT to write with analogies:

Simplify complex concepts: Analogies can simplify complex concepts by breaking them down into more digestible terms. By using analogies, ChatGPT can help you better understand difficult or abstract concepts, making them easier to grasp.

Enhance understanding: Analogies can enhance understanding by providing a more crystal-clear context. By comparing an unfamiliar concept to something that is more familiar, ChatGPT can help you see how the notion works in a new way. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the topic at hand.

Make learning fun: Analogies can make learning fun by adding an element of playfulness to the conversation. By using creative analogies, ChatGPT can make learning more engaging and enjoyable, which can help you stay motivated and interested in the topic.

Build connections: Analogies can build connections between different ideas or topics. By drawing parallels between seemingly disparate things, ChatGPT can help you see how different concepts are related to one another. This can help you ease up through the confusion.

With proper prompting such as “Please explain the clothing business with a fishing analogy,” an AI tool can write very human-like paragraphs! If you doubt this, then just give this tip a try and see for yourself.

Remove The Last Paragraphs (It’s Where The Redundancies Are)

If you’ve been using ChatGPT long enough, you can surely notice that the answers it gives are roughly around 200 to 300 words. At the end of these short answers, you can observe that mini-conclusions are added every time.

So if you’re writing a typical article around the 1000 to 2000 world count for a blog post, redundancies will surely pile up which makes the discussion appear like it’s done by an AI. To solve this problem, just remove those mini-conclusions and ask ChatGPT to write a short overall conclusion that serves as the ending of your article.

Enhance Your Output With Language Tools

With the growing number of writers who use ChatGPT with each passing day, they can easily spot that your writing is AI-Generated. Thus, it would be a wise move if you enhance your articles with language tools.

This can be beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, language tools such as grammar and spell-checkers can help to identify and correct non-evident errors. This ensures that your article is free from mistakes and communicates its intended message clearly.

This can be particularly important if your piece is intended for publication, as errors can undermine the credibility of the writer and the quality of the content. With language tools like Grammarly, repetitive words and phrases can be eliminated, making your article more likely to resonate with its intended audience.

Additionally, language tools can help to improve the overall style and readability of the article. This can include identifying overused or awkward phrases, suggesting synonyms or alternative sentence structures, and highlighting areas where the text may be unclear or confusing to readers. By making these improvements, the article can become more engaging and easier to understand.

The biggest advantage of using language tools to enhance your article can save time and effort. Rather than spending hours manually checking for errors and refining the text, language tools can quickly and efficiently identify areas for improvement and suggest changes. This can free up the writer to focus on other aspects of the writing process, such as research and content development, ultimately leading to a better writing output.

Enhance Your Own Vocabulary

While ChatGPT can be an excellent resource for expanding your vocabulary and improving your language skills, it is essential to develop your own vocabulary and not rely too heavily on the AI model. Relying too much on ChatGPT can limit your ability to communicate effectively and may hinder your ability to develop your writing and speaking skills.

Having a robust and varied vocabulary can help you express your thoughts and ideas more precisely and accurately. This is particularly important in professional or academic settings where clarity and accuracy are crucial.

Developing your vocabulary can help you to better understand and appreciate different perspectives and ideas. Words have nuanced meanings, and the ability to understand and use them correctly can help you to communicate effectively with others and foster meaningful conversations and connections.

Actively working to expand your vocabulary can be an enjoyable and fulfilling pursuit. Learning new words can be a fun and rewarding experience, and can help to improve your overall language skills and confidence. You should deeply internalize these notions if you want to be a proficient writer, or if you truly seek a rewarding career as a writer.

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While ChatGPT can be a valuable resource, it must never be viewed as a substitute for human understanding. Understanding requires more than just providing answers; it requires empathy, emotional intelligence, and an awareness of the social context of a situation. These are qualities that only human beings can provide, and they are essential for building meaningful connections and relationships.

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