Game Tester Job: Your Possible Earnings and How To Get Hired

Game Tester Job: Your Possible Earnings and How To Get Hired

Becoming a game tester can be an exciting and rewarding career path for those who have a passion for gaming and attention to detail. As a game tester, you will have the opportunity to play games before they are released to the public, identify and report bugs and issues, and help ensure the overall quality of the game. If you’re interested in how you’ll make money as a game tester, read on.

What you’ll learn here:

What is a Game Tester?

A game tester, also known as a quality assurance tester or QA tester, is responsible for identifying bugs, glitches, and other issues in video games before they are released commercially. Their job is to playtest the game and perform various tests to identify and document any problems they encounter.

Game testers may be involved in testing different aspects of a game, such as graphics, sound, gameplay mechanics, and online features. They may also be responsible for creating test plans, executing test cases, and providing feedback to developers to improve the game’s overall quality.

Should you get this job, you will often work closely with game developers, project managers, and other members of the development team to ensure that the game is functioning as intended and meets the quality standards set by the company. You may also provide suggestions for improvements or new features that could enhance the gameplay experience.

Why The Gaming Industry Needs Game Testers

The demand for game testing jobs can vary depending on the current state of the gaming industry and the number of games in development. However, game testing is an important and necessary part of game development, and there is always a need for skilled game testers to help ensure the quality of games.

The gaming industry is a constantly growing and evolving industry, with new games and technologies being developed regularly. As a result, there is typically a demand for game testers to help identify and resolve issues with new games before they are released to the public.

In addition, the rise of mobile gaming and the increasing popularity of virtual and augmented reality technology has created new opportunities for game testers with specialized skills in these areas.

What You’ll Do As A Game Tester

Your tasks may vary depending on the project you are working on and the specific requirements of your role. However, some common tasks that you may be responsible for include:

Creating test plans and test cases: You may need to work with the development team to create test plans and test cases that cover all aspects of the game, including gameplay mechanics, graphics, audio, and online features.

Playing the game: As a game tester, you will spend a lot of time playing the game to identify bugs, glitches, and other issues. You may need to play the game multiple times, try different strategies, and test different scenarios to ensure that the game is functioning as intended.

Documenting issues: You will need to document any issues you encounter during testing, including the steps to reproduce the issue and any relevant screenshots or videos.

Communicating with the development team: You will need to communicate regularly with the development team to report any issues you have found, provide feedback on the game, and suggest potential improvements.

Regression testing: After issues have been fixed, you may need to perform regression testing to ensure that the issue has been resolved and that fixing the issue did not create any new problems.

Providing feedback: As a game tester, you will be providing feedback to the development team on the overall quality of the game, including any potential improvements or new features that could enhance the gameplay experience.

Generally speaking, your role as a game tester is critical in ensuring that the game is enjoyable and free from technical issues before it is released to the gaming masses.

Your Possible Earnings As A Game Tester

The expected salary of a game tester can vary based on factors such as location, level of experience, company size, and specific job responsibilities.

In general, entry-level game testers can expect to earn an average of $30,000 to $40,000 per year, while more experienced game testers can earn an average of $50,000 to $70,000 per year. However, salaries can vary greatly depending on the company and the specific role.

Some game testing positions may also be paid on an hourly or contract basis, which can result in higher or lower pay rates depending on the length of the contract and the number of hours worked.

It’s also worth noting that the video game industry is highly competitive, and salaries for game testers may be lower compared to other roles in game development, such as game designers or programmers.

Traits That A Game Tester Must Have

To get hired easily as a game tester, there are several traits that can be beneficial. You have to consider internalizing the following:

Passion for gaming: Having a genuine passion for gaming can help you stay motivated and engaged in the testing process. It can also give you a better understanding of the industry and common issues that may arise during the development process.

Attention to detail: As a game tester, you will need to have a keen eye for detail to identify and report bugs and issues in the game. This requires a high level of concentration, patience, and thoroughness.

Strong communication skills: Effective communication is essential for game testers, as they need to communicate with the development team and other stakeholders to report issues and provide feedback. Good communication skills can help you work well in a team and convey complex information in a clear and concise manner.

Problem-solving skills: Game testers must be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently. This requires critical thinking skills, creativity, and the ability to analyze complex information.

Flexibility and adaptability: The game development process can be unpredictable, and game testers must be able to adapt to changes and work under pressure. Flexibility, adaptability, and a positive attitude can help you thrive in this dynamic environment.

Aside from your intense love for computer games, having these traits can increase your chances of getting hired as a game tester and succeeding in this role.

The Process Of Becoming A Game Tester

To get hired as a game tester, there are several steps you can take:

Gain knowledge and experience: Start by gaining knowledge and experience in gaming by playing different types of games and understanding the mechanics and gameplay. This will help you understand the common issues and glitches that may arise during the game development process.

Get education and training: While a formal degree may not be required, having education or training in computer science, software development, or game design can be beneficial and give you a competitive advantage in the job market. You can also consider taking courses or certifications in game testing to develop specialized skills.

Build a portfolio: Creating a portfolio of your work can demonstrate your experience and skills to potential employers. Include details of the games you have tested, the issues you have found, and how you helped resolve them.

Search for job openings: Look for job openings for game testers on online job boards, company websites, or social media. You can also attend job fairs and industry events to network with professionals and learn about job opportunities.

Apply and prepare for interviews: Once you find a suitable job opening, submit your resume and cover letter. Be prepared for interviews, which may include questions about your gaming experience, problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and ability to work well in a team.

Be persistent and proactive: Getting hired as a game tester can be a competitive process, so it’s important to be persistent and proactive in your job search. Consider reaching out to companies directly, creating a LinkedIn profile, and networking with industry professionals to increase your chances of finding a job.

Bear in mind that getting hired as a game tester requires a combination of skills, experience, and perseverance. By following these steps and demonstrating your passion for gaming and attention to detail, you can increase your chances of landing a job as a game tester.


While the salary for game testers may be lower compared to other roles in the video game industry, it can be a great starting point for those who are looking to break into the industry and gain valuable experience. If you have a love for gaming and want to be part of the game development process, becoming a game tester can be an excellent career choice.

By the way, do you know that even without streaming, you can still make money from video games? Learn how.

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