Earning By Fighting Wokeism Online: Why and How You Should Do It

Earning By Fighting Wokeism Online: Why and How You Should Do It

Woke issues must be tackled because they highlight the systemic injustices and inequalities that persist in our society. By addressing these issues head-on, we can strive for a more inclusive and equitable world for everyone. Wokeism brings attention to the experiences and voices of marginalized communities, shedding light on the historical and ongoing struggles they face.

Let’s discuss how you could help address the issue and how you could potentially earn from it as well.

What you’ll learn here:

What Is Wokeism?

Before attempting to make content about fighiting wokeism, we need to understand what is first.

“Wokeism” is a term that has emerged in recent years and is used to describe a social and cultural phenomenon characterized by heightened awareness and sensitivity to issues of social justice, particularly those related to race, gender, and inequality.

The term “woke” originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and referred to being aware of and attuned to the injustices faced by marginalized communities. In its broadest sense, wokeism encompasses a range of beliefs, attitudes, and actions that aim to challenge and address systemic oppression, discrimination, and privilege.

Advocates of wokeism seek to bring attention to social and political issues, promote inclusivity, and challenge traditional power structures and social norms.

Some common themes associated with wokeism include:

Intersectionality: Wokeism recognizes that individuals may face multiple forms of discrimination and that these forms of oppression intersect. For example, someone may experience discrimination based on their race, gender, and socio-economic background simultaneously, and these factors are interconnected.

Cultural appropriation: Wokeism critiques the adoption of elements from marginalized cultures by more dominant cultures, particularly when it perpetuates stereotypes or fails to acknowledge the historical and cultural context.

Language and terminology: Wokeism encourages the use of inclusive language and challenges words or phrases that perpetuate stereotypes or marginalize certain groups. It also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and respecting individuals’ chosen pronouns.

Privilege: Wokeism highlights the concept of privilege, referring to the advantages and benefits certain groups enjoy due to their social, economic, or racial background. It encourages individuals to be aware of their own privilege and work towards dismantling systemic inequalities.

Social justice activism: Wokeism often manifests in activism aimed at promoting social justice, such as participating in protests, advocating for policy changes, and engaging in discussions around topics like racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination.

It’s important to note that the term “woke” and the associated ideology of wokeism have become somewhat controversial, with critics arguing that it can be divisive, overly focused on identity politics, and stifling of free expression. The term is often used in debates and discussions surrounding social and political issues, with varying interpretations and understandings depending on one’s perspective.

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Why Must Wokeism Be Stopped?

The question of whether or not “wokeism” should be stopped is a matter of personal opinion and can vary depending on one’s perspective. It is important to approach this topic with an understanding that opinions on wokeism vary widely, and individuals hold diverse viewpoints on its merits and drawbacks.

Here are some common arguments made by critics of wokeism. These are the reasons why they believe wokeism should stop:

Group identity and division: Critics argue that wokeism places excessive emphasis on group identity and categorizes individuals based on race, gender, or other characteristics. This approach can create division among people and reinforce stereotypes, rather than promoting unity and equality.

Free speech concerns: Some argue that wokeism can stifle free speech by promoting a culture of cancelation or “call-out” culture, where individuals are targeted for expressing dissenting opinions. Critics argue that this can inhibit open dialogue and hinder intellectual diversity.

Overemphasis on individual experiences: Critics of wokeism claim that it often prioritizes subjective individual experiences over objective evidence and universal principles. This can lead to a disregard for empirical data and reasoned debate, potentially undermining the pursuit of truth and rational decision-making.

Potential for intolerance and extremism: Some argue that wokeism can lead to a form of moral absolutism, where disagreement or dissent is seen as morally wrong. Critics contend that this can foster an intolerant environment and hinder the exploration of diverse perspectives.

Policy implications: Critics express concerns that the policy proposals arising from woke ideology may have unintended consequences or be impractical. They argue that some approaches, such as quotas or affirmative action, can be seen as discriminatory or unfair.

It is important to note that these arguments represent the perspective of critics, and there are also proponents of wokeism who argue for its importance in addressing social injustices and promoting equality. Public debates around these issues often involve nuanced discussions and varying viewpoints, reflecting the complexity of the topic.

Kinds Of Content You Can Make To Combat Wokeism

If you are interested in creating content to express your views and engage in a discussion around wokeism or related topics, there are various avenues you can explore. Here are some content ideas that you might consider:

Thoughtful analysis and critique: Create written articles, blog posts, or video essays that offer a well-reasoned critique of specific aspects of wokeism or related social justice movements. Explore the underlying principles, ideologies, and potential consequences, and present alternative perspectives or approaches.

Constructive dialogue and debate: Engage in respectful and open-minded conversations with individuals who hold different viewpoints. Consider hosting podcast discussions, interviews, or panel debates where you can explore the nuances of wokeism, its implications, and its critiques.

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Empirical research and data analysis: Conduct or share research that examines the social, economic, and cultural impact of woke ideology. Analyze relevant data, statistics, and case studies to support your arguments and challenge prevailing narratives.

Historical and philosophical exploration: Investigate the historical and philosophical roots of social justice movements, including wokeism, and examine their evolution over time. Provide context and a deeper understanding of the ideas and principles involved.

Promoting alternative solutions: Offer alternative approaches or solutions to address societal issues without solely relying on the woke framework. Share your ideas for promoting equality, inclusivity, and social justice while considering different perspectives and potential unintended consequences.

Promoting unity and empathy: Create content that focuses on building bridges, understanding different viewpoints, and promoting empathy. Encourage respectful dialogue, highlight shared values, and foster a sense of community and cooperation.

Satire and humor: Employ satire and humor to provide a lighthearted critique of certain aspects of wokeism. Use comedy sketches, cartoons, or satirical articles to highlight inconsistencies, contradictions, or absurdities in some woke ideologies.

Regardless of the format you may choose for creating your content, you have to remember that creating content that tackles complex topics like wokeism requires thorough research, critical thinking, and respectful engagement. It’s important to approach these discussions with empathy, open-mindedness, and a willingness to listen to opposing viewpoints.

How You Can Earn From Your Content About Wokeism

If you’re looking to earn from your wokeism-related content, here are some potential avenues you can explore:

YouTube monetization: Create a YouTube channel where you can share videos discussing wokeism and related topics. Once you meet the requirements, you can apply to monetize your videos through YouTube’s Partner Program, which enables you to earn money from ads displayed on your videos.

Affiliate marketing: Join affiliate programs related to books, courses, or products that align with your wokeism-related content. You can include affiliate links in your content, and if your audience makes purchases through those links, you earn a commission.

Sponsored content and brand partnerships: As your content gains traction and audience, you may attract sponsorships or brand partnerships. Companies or organizations that align with your content may be interested in collaborating with you to promote their products or services, or support specific campaigns or initiatives.

Patreon or crowdfunding: Set up a Patreon account or utilize crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe. This allows your audience to support your work directly by making regular contributions or one-time donations.

Guest speaking and workshops: As your knowledge and expertise grow, you may be invited to speak at events or conduct workshops. You can earn fees for your appearances or charge for workshops and webinars you organize.

Merchandise and products: Consider creating merchandise, such as branded clothing, accessories, or merchandise featuring slogans or designs related to your wokeism-related content. Platforms like Shopify or Etsy can help you set up an online store to sell your products.

Bear in mind that building an audience and monetizing your content takes time, effort, and consistency. It’s important to create quality content, engage with your audience, and promote your work through various channels to maximize your earning potential.


As a content creator seeking to combat wokeism, you will be confronting your own biases and privileges, fostering empathy and understanding. Tackling woke issues encourages us to dismantle oppressive structures and create opportunities for all individuals to thrive regardless of their race, gender, or background.

It is only by acknowledging and actively working to rectify these injustices that we can move towards a society that truly values diversity, equality, and social justice. Publishing content about this while earning on the process wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You should consider doing it. Why not start now?

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