7 Strong Reasons Why Articles Are [Still] Better Than Videos

7 Strong Reasons Why Articles Are [Still] Better Than Videos

These days, it’s undeniable that people prefer watching videos over reading articles. Does this mean that writers must now stand aside because vloggers and video content creators are taking over? Before you totally kill your writing passion, let’s delve into some compelling reasons why articles still matter. Let’s discuss some key advantages of learning by reading articles compared to watching videos.

Pick a good reason:

1. Unmatched Accessibility

Articles have an edge over videos because they can be more easily accessed and understood by individuals with visual or hearing impairments. For individuals with visual impairments, screen readers can be used to convert written text into synthesized speech or braille, allowing them to perceive and comprehend the content of articles.

Screen readers can navigate through the text, read it aloud, and provide options for adjusting the reading speed or voice preferences. This enables visually impaired individuals to consume written information independently and at their own pace.

Similarly, articles are advantageous for individuals with hearing impairments who may struggle to understand or follow the audio content in videos. While videos often include captions or subtitles, they are not always accurate or comprehensive. On the other hand, articles provide a text-based format that can be easily read and understood by individuals who rely on written information.

By prioritizing articles as a medium for conveying information, content creators can ensure that their material is accessible to a wider range of individuals, including those with visual or hearing impairments, ultimately promoting inclusivity and equal access to information.

2. Flexibility When Skimming

Article readers have more control over how they consume information compared to videos. With articles, readers can choose their own pace of consumption, tailoring it to their specific needs and preferences. They have the freedom to skim through the content to get a quick overview or dive deeper and read every word for a thorough understanding. This flexibility is particularly useful when time is limited, or when readers want to quickly extract specific information from the article without having to watch an entire video.

In addition, articles allow readers to selectively read or focus on specific sections or topics. They can easily navigate through the article using headings, subheadings, or a table of contents, which helps them locate and access the information they are specifically interested in. This ability to jump to different sections within an article is especially valuable when conducting research or seeking answers to specific questions.

Furthermore, the flexibility of articles enables readers to engage in multitasking. They can read articles while taking notes, highlighting important points, or referencing other sources simultaneously. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for students, researchers, or professionals who need to gather information, analyze it, and synthesize it with other sources.

3. Convenience On-The-Go

Nobody can dispute that compared to videos, articles are more portable and can be accessed anytime and anywhere, providing unparalleled access. Articles can be easily downloaded or saved in various formats such as PDF, ePub, or plain text, allowing readers to carry them on their smartphones, tablets, e-readers, or laptops.

This portability ensures that readers have access to the content regardless of their location. Whether you’re on a crowded bus, in a quiet library, or in a remote area with limited internet connectivity, you can still access and read articles. You don’t have to rely on a stable internet connection or streaming platforms to access the information you need.

The convenience of articles lies in the fact that they can be easily organized and stored in digital libraries or folders. This makes it effortless to manage and access a vast collection of articles on a particular topic or from specific authors. With articles, you can create a personal library that can be categorized, tagged, and searched, making it easier to retrieve and refer back to specific articles when needed.

When you Google for any topic you could think of, it’s quite clear that articles are mostly placed on top of search results compared to videos. This is because articles are easily searchable using keywords or phrases, allowing readers to quickly find specific information within the content.

Articles typically have a clear structure with headings, subheadings, and paragraphs, making it easier to navigate and locate specific information. Readers can use the search function in their web browser or within the article itself to search for keywords or phrases related to the information they are seeking.

This searchability feature saves valuable time compared to watching a video where you would need to scrub through the entire video to find the relevant section. With articles, readers can input specific keywords or phrases into the search bar and instantly jump to the relevant part of the article. This efficient information retrieval allows individuals to access the exact information they need without having to sift through lengthy video content.

5. Precision and Clarity

Compared to videos, articles tend to provide a higher level of precision and clarity in conveying information. Articles allow authors to carefully craft their message, structure their content, and present information in a logical and organized manner.

When writing articles, authors have the opportunity to thoroughly research and refine their content, ensuring accuracy and clarity. They can carefully choose their words, use precise terminology, and provide concise explanations. This precision in writing enables authors to effectively convey complex concepts, theories, or instructions to readers.

Articles also offer the advantage of structure. Authors can organize their content into clear sections, use headings and subheadings to highlight key points, and provide a step-by-step explanation when necessary. This structured approach helps readers to follow the information more easily, understand the flow of ideas, and navigate through the content to find the specific details they are looking for.

6. Enabling Multitasking

Absorbing information through a writing piece allows readers to engage in other activities while reading, promoting productivity and efficient use of time. While reading an article, individuals can simultaneously perform tasks such as taking notes, highlighting important points, or referencing other sources. This flexibility enables students, researchers, or professionals to integrate information from multiple sources, analyze and synthesize information, or gather additional insights while reading.

Multitasking while reading articles also enhances the learning process. By actively engaging with the material, such as annotating or summarizing key points, readers can reinforce their understanding and improve information retention. This active involvement in the reading process can lead to deeper comprehension and help readers connect concepts more readily.

Moreover, multitasking with articles allows individuals to make the most of their busy schedules. They can read articles during their commute, while waiting for an appointment, or during breaks. This enables them to maximize their time and engage with valuable information, even in short intervals.

7. Fact-Checking and Referencing

Because information today can easily be faked, readers may demand accessible sources for referencing information. Articles often include proper citations and references to external sources, allowing readers to easily verify the information presented or delve deeper into the subject matter.

When reading articles, individuals can benefit from the inclusion of citations as it adds credibility and reliability to the information. Authors typically provide references to research studies, scholarly articles, or other authoritative sources that support their claims or provide further context. This allows readers to fact-check the information, understand the sources behind the claims made in the article, and evaluate the validity of the content.

Moreover, articles offer a pathway for readers to explore related research or sources. The referenced material can serve as a starting point for further investigation, enabling individuals to delve deeper into a particular topic, gain a broader perspective, or find additional supporting evidence. By providing references, articles facilitate the expansion of knowledge beyond the scope of the article itself.

Are you getting discouraged as a writer? Let this serve as a motivation…

In a world where videos seem to reign supreme, it can be disheartening to see people’s preferences shifting away from articles. However, it is crucial not to let this discourage you in your writing pursuits. Remember that the power of the written word has withstood the test of time and continues to hold immense value.

Articles possess a unique ability to convey depth, precision, and nuance that videos may sometimes struggle to capture. They provide a platform for thorough exploration, careful analysis, and well-structured arguments. Articles allow readers to engage with ideas at their own pace, selectively absorb information, and easily refer back to specific sections when needed.

Furthermore, as a writer, your words possess the potential to inspire, educate, and influence minds. Articles enable you to craft narratives, share knowledge, and spark meaningful discussions. Your written work has the ability to resonate with readers on a personal level, leaving a lasting impact and fostering a deeper understanding of the world.

While the popularity of videos may be on the rise, there will always be a dedicated audience that appreciates the power of the written word. Whether it is researchers seeking in-depth analysis, students searching for reliable sources, or individuals yearning for immersive storytelling, your articles will find their way to those hungry for the unique experience that only the written form can provide.

Instead of getting discouraged, embrace the challenge…

You need to view writing hurdles as opportunities to hone your craft. You have to find ways to adapt to changing times by finding innovative means of presenting your ideas and making your articles visually engaging. Experiment with multimedia elements, such as infographics or interactive features, to enhance the reader’s experience and bridge the gap between articles and videos.

Remember, the value of your writing lies not only in its immediate popularity but in its ability to leave a lasting impact. Stay true to your passion, refine your skills, and continue to produce quality content that stands out amidst the noise. As writers, your voices matter, and your words have the potential to shape perspectives, provoke thoughts, and inspire change.

So, do not let the current preference for videos discourage you. Embrace the power of the written word, keep honing your craft, and trust that there will always be an audience eager to engage with your articles. Your unique voice and dedication as a writer will continue to make a difference in the lives of others.

Take it from me, as the author of this site, a fellow believer in the power of articles.

Keep writing, keep sharing, and keep inspiring!

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