Using Google Bard To Make Your Writing Tasks Easier (And Better!)

Using Google Bard To Make Your Writing Tasks Easier (And Better!)

As one of Google’s most promising digital tools, Bard can certainly make various writing tasks easier by providing assistance, generating ideas, improving productivity, and offering creative suggestions. Let’s discuss how Big G’s AI tool can help you with the writing tasks you may get entangled with.

What you’ll learn here:

Kinds of Writing Tasks Google Bard Can Generate

You can’t wield a tool to its fullest advantage if you don’t know the areas in which to use it for. Here are some of the writing tasks that you can ask Bard for assistance.

Essay Writing: Bard can aid in essay writing by providing research assistance, and helping to gather relevant information from a vast database of sources. It can summarize articles, books, and research papers, saving time and effort in the research phase. As an AI tool, Bard can also offer suggestions for structuring the essay, generating topic sentences, and providing grammar and spelling corrections.

Poetry: Bard can assist in poetry if you create prompts and offer inspiration to it. It can analyze existing poems to identify patterns, styles, and themes, and use that information to generate new lines or stanzas. While AI-generated poetry may lack the depth and emotional nuances of human-generated poetry, it can be used as a starting point or a source of ideas for poets.

Copywriting: Writing copies for sales, ads, and social media promotion can be much easier with Bard because it can suggest catchy headlines, persuasive phrases, and engaging content. It can analyze successful ad campaigns and marketing materials to identify effective strategies and adapt them to specific contexts. Bard can also generate content drafts quickly, which can be refined and customized by human copywriters.

Short Stories: Assisting ideas in short story writing is also possible using Bard. By generating plot ideas, character names, and descriptions, it can analyze existing stories to identify narrative structures and patterns, helping writers create engaging storylines. Bard can also provide grammar and style corrections, enhancing the overall quality of the writing.

Blog Posts: Bard can be useful for blog writing by offering topic suggestions based on popular trends and keywords. It can provide outlines and subheadings for blog posts, helping writers structure their content effectively. Bard can also generate introductory and concluding paragraphs, saving time and enabling writers to focus on the main body of the post. Additionally, Bard can assist with proofreading, grammar checks, and SEO optimization.

News Articles: One of the greatest strengths of Bard compared to other AI tools is that it promises to deliver real-time information. If such a feature is true, then you could use Bard to write news articles. You have to carefully edit and proofread your final output though, since Bard itself claims that it can generate a lot of mistakes since it’s still in its experimental phase.

While these are only 6 of the writing tasks that Bard can help you with, the length by which Google’s AI tool can help you is literally endless. For almost any writing job you could think of, there will certainly be a way that Bard can help you with it.

Commanding Google Bard: For Easier And Better Writing

Here’s the thing about Chatbots and AI Tools: you can’t expect them to think for you. You must not forget that like any other man-made tool, AI is just an instrument. You may treat it as an assistant, but never as a replacement. There is a reason why it’s labeled as “artificial”–you can’t just wield it and hope that it will give you a compelling output with the guarantee that human readers will surely like it.

So how can you command Google Bard’s interface to bring about a good enough writing output? Here are some tips you have to consider. These approaches are important for writing using AI because they help in maximizing the benefits of the AI model while maintaining control and ensuring the output aligns with the writer’s intentions.

Write a bulleted list first

It’s understandable that there are times when you get very lazy as a writer. However, you must not be too lazy to write your own outline. Without a bulleted list generated by your own mind, an AI tool such as Bard won’t be able to come up with a compelling output later.

Creating a bulleted list helps in organizing thoughts and structuring the content. It allows the writer to break down complex ideas into concise points, making it easier for the AI model to understand and generate coherent responses.

The outline you make will play a crucial role in writing with Bard since it provides a structured and organized framework for information exchange. It will facilitate effective communication with an AI model, enhance readability, improve content organization, and simplify the revision process. By leveraging the power of bulleted lists, writers can maximize the benefits of AI-assisted writing and obtain more accurate and relevant responses from Google Bard.

Ask Bard to expound your list specifically

While the bulleted list provides a general outline, asking the chatbot to expound on specific points allows for deeper exploration and elaboration. This approach helps the AI model provide more detailed and relevant information on each item, enhancing the overall quality and depth of the writing. Specific questions help to establish the context clearly, allowing the AI model to grasp the specific topic or information being sought. Vague or ambiguous questions may lead to inaccurate or irrelevant responses.

As you ask Bard to expound your bullet points, specific questions must be given to ensure that the AI model understands the query accurately and generates relevant responses. They provide context, precision, and eliminate assumptions, leading to efficient information retrieval and enhanced accuracy in Bard’s output.

Give a specific analogy and ask Bard to use it

Analogies are powerful tools for conveying complex ideas in a relatable manner. By providing a specific analogy, the writer can guide Bard’s response and encourage it to generate content that aligns with the intended metaphor or comparison. This technique helps in creating more engaging and vivid writing.

Additionally, analogies can foster creativity and innovation in writing. They inspire new connections and insights, enabling writers to approach topics from fresh angles. Writing with analogies encourages the exploration of different perspectives and encourages writers to think outside the box, resulting in more imaginative and engaging content.

Don’t just rely on the output generated by Bard, you need to ask it to rewrite with analogies because they simplify complex ideas, enhance comprehension, facilitate communication with AI models, and stimulate creativity. By using analogies effectively, writers can make their content more accessible, engaging, and insightful, while also improving the collaborative process with AI models.

Ask one question at a time, then compile a whole article

Using Bard or any AI tool requires being patient. Instead of rushing your way to make an entire article quickly, have to consider asking one question at a time. This leads to a better writing output because it enables a more precise and focused interaction with the AI model. By presenting a single question, you provide a clear and unambiguous prompt, reducing the chances of misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

This approach allows Bard to concentrate its attention and resources on addressing that specific question. It avoids overwhelming the model with multiple queries, which can result in scattered or incomplete responses. By honing in on one question, you increase the likelihood of receiving a thorough and comprehensive answer.

Moreover, asking one question at a time facilitates efficient information retrieval. Bard can swiftly process and retrieve relevant data from its knowledge base or sources to generate a response. This streamlined process improves the speed and accuracy of the writing output, as Google’s search tools can dedicate their resources to thoroughly addressing each individual question.

By breaking down the writing process into smaller, clarity and coherence will surely be very evident in your final output. If you feel that Bard’s output is satisfactory enough, you must then compile the responses into a complete article afterward. This allows for a systematic approach to organizing and integrating the content generated with an AI tool.

Use your own vocabulary to edit and revise

You must leverage the strengths of Google Bard while maintaining your creative input and ensuring the final output reflects your vision and expertise. What you’re hoping to achieve here is a collaborative approach that combines the capabilities of AI with your unique insights and style as a writer, you must never forget this.

While AI can generate initial drafts and provide suggestions, it’s crucial for writers to exercise their creative control and apply their unique voice and style. By using your own vocabulary to edit and revise the AI-generated content, you can refine the language, tone, and overall expression, making the writing more authentic and tailored to your specific audience.

It’s always worth noting that while AI can provide valuable support in any writing task, human creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence are still essential for producing high-quality and impactful writing. Google Bard should only be seen as a tool to enhance and streamline the writing process, rather than a replacement for human writers.

Related Article: Making ChatGPT Write Like A Human


By embracing the capabilities of Google Bard, writers can make writing processes easier, unleash their creativity, and ultimately produce works that captivate and resonate with their audience. So, let us embrace the partnership between human creativity and AI tools such as Google’s latest innovation. This can help us pave the way for a future where writing tasks become not just easier, but also more fulfilling and inspiring.

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