Earning By Typing Handwritten Notes and Documents – How To Get This Job

Earning By Typing Handwritten Notes and Documents – How To Get This Job

Typing documents and feeding them into computer memory is one of the most common jobs of all. What you may not know yet is that there is a profitable online job of typing handwritten documents, one that could sustain your means of living.

Here’s what you must understand in having it:

Why is there a demand for this job?

The simplest reason why this kind of job exists is that there are too many people out there who want to digitize their handwritings, but have no knowledge or time to actually do it. Most of these people are very busy intellectuals who can truly give compelling knowledge about a certain topic, but can’t convert their writings into a computer-readable format.

What they do is hire people like you who might be interested in typing their handwritten documents for them so that computer-savvy people can read the valuable information they can offer. Websites, academic institutions, and various online companies are in need of such workers and you could be one of them.

By the way, if you still have those handwritten notes during your student days, you could make money from them as well. Read this to find out.

What kind of data will you be working with?

Typically, you’ll be given photos of handwritten notes that your client will send you through email or as a chat attachment. You might also be given PDF documents that contain diagrams and images that you’ll need to convert into text documents through typing.

You could also be tasked to input the words you typed into a special database software or a spreadsheet program like MS Excel which we will discuss later. Read on so you’ll know the crucial steps in having this job.

What do you need to learn in applying for it?

Knowledge of word processors and spreadsheet apps

This is a skill that every high-school kid must learn, and we have to assume you have this too. In case you haven’t yet, now might be a good time to start. It’s totally impossible to find an online job that doesn’t require a worker to be knowledgeable with word processors, and if you are on your path to making a work-from-home career, you have to equip yourself with some knowledge about the following.

Word processors:

  • MS Word
  • Libre Office Writer
  • Google Docs

Spreadsheet apps:

  • MS Excel
  • LibreOffice Calc
  • Google Sheets

They are the most popular ones out there. They’re easy to find and very easy to learn. If you know how to use them already, good. If you have some friends who want also to thread down the online job-hunting path, encourage them to learn those apps as well.

Related Article: Best Online Tools For The Best Online Workers

Researching skills

If you’d just be looking at handwritten documents and typing their contents into a word processor, why is there a need to learn some researching skills? The reason is that there will be handwritings that are very hard to comprehend because the documents you’ll be dealing with are often done by very busy people.

To type some of the technical or scientific terms that you will surely encounter while doing the job, you have to learn how to correlate them with other similar terms so you’ll deliver exactly the kind of output that your clients demand from you.


Though this is not always required, having this skill will give you an edge over the other applicants. If you find the term strange, it is actually about typing without looking at the keyboard. By learning touch-typing, you can type significantly faster, which should naturally make you earn faster too.

Some companies may demand that you can type 60 words per minute with the least possible mistakes and the best way to achieve this is by learning touch-typing.

Learn touch-typing tools and other similar ones by reading this.


A highly erroneous output is just as good as having no output. Know this, a lot of your clients are very meticulous people with intensive attention to detail. If you hope of making a typist’s job your income provider, you have to learn the art of proper proofreading.

One of the best ways to proofread thoroughly is reading what you typed like you’re screaming them in your mind. Another is by reading them backwards so that your brain will be tricked into absorbing the words individually.

To make proofreading even easier, you can use online tools like Grammarly. It’s free and very effective. It could really cut your proofreading tasks in half.

What equipment do you need?

Computer with moderate specs

Because the task of typing documents is not too resource-hungry, any average computer could be used for it. If you have a slightly old laptop or desktop, it could be good enough. As long as they don’t lag, freeze, or restart too often, they should be fit for the job since having to redo your documents repeatedly would be painstaking especially if you’re desperate to earn.

Learn about basic computer equipment as an online typist here.

Tablet with keyboard

If you find buying a laptop to be a huge expense, you may buy a tablet instead. Tablets are way cheaper and are typically powerful enough for typing tasks. You have to buy an additional keyboard though since using the default touch-screen keyboard of any tablet would render a very slow typing output.

You have to invest in an affordable keyboard so you can get the job done faster, so you can earn faster as well.

Can you do this job with your phone?

To answer it honestly, yes. However, the chances of you quitting before you even accumulate some decent-enough earnings will be very high. As stated in the previous item, using the on-screen keyboard of portable devices will be very detrimental to your job as a typist.

There are profitable jobs you can do with your phone, but typing isn’t just one of them.

Related Article: 10 Easy Online Jobs You Can Do With Your Phone

How much could you earn?

The salary you’ll get actually varies from company to company. The safest rate we can assume is that on average, you’ll earn $1 every 100 words. You have to understand though that most companies pay lower than this.

As you grow your skills, you could be paid per hour as high as $20. This is of course, dependent on how fast you can type, and how few are errors after submitting your output.

Where should you apply?

One of the best places to look for typing handwritings is via social media. There are various Facebook groups dedicated to such a job. You could also use the following links to get hired directly.

Web companies that hire typists – This is my list of 26 online companies where you could try your luck as a data entry clerk.

Freelancer typing job list – This is the best compilation of jobs about typing handwritten text by far from Freelancer, one of the most trusted online platforms.

Becoming an online typist is one of the easiest jobs out there. Use this post to learn about the job or share this with your friends who might be interested to work for this.

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