Making Money With Your Knowledge About Religion

Making Money With Your Knowledge About Religion

There are so many preachers out there that became insanely rich because of religion. And because of it, you might have wondered if it’s truly possible to make money by writing about your spiritual beliefs.

Do you have the wisdom to convince people to tap into the divinity of an almighty being? Let’s explore some money-making opportunities in such an undertaking.

What you’ll learn here:

Why the internet needs religious writers and content creators

Writings about religion are still in demand, even in this digitally-driven world. The reason for this is that there will always be…

The need to align our moral compass

Atheists say that you can still be moral without God. That’s so true. However, it would be a lot easier to try to be good, if we believe that there is someone out there who will reward us, or punish us, when we become too decadent with our lives.

Because we need to be updated and refreshed morally speaking on a regular basis, we need to read and hear about what God would want us to do with our everyday lives, and religious articles on the internet might just be the ultimate solution for that.

The need to connect to a divine creator

Who made us? How did these things around us come into existence? These are questions that we often ask ourselves. Since no exact explanation can actually satisfy our thirst for that inquiry, learning about the Almighty Being who created us would certainly provide us with the inner soothing that we look for.

By reading published materials about how this universe where we thrive existed from a religious standpoint, we can somehow have the sensibility that we are here for a purpose, and there is a powerful entity that’s responsible for all of this.

The acknowledgment that there are things beyond us

Many scientists declare that nothing came before us, and that there will be nothing at all, once we arrive at our eventual destination that we call death. But a great percentage of people do not believe this, and wouldn’t want to embrace this at all.

For this reason, people seek religion or from an atheist’s point of view, “invented religion.” Those very smart people might call it irrationality, but ever since we became cognizant of the world around us, there are things that are evidently beyond what we can explain and comprehend.

From deep within, we have this conviction that what we have here, and what we were in the past are not the start and end of everything. There are things that lie far beyond us, and religion can really give us the guidance that we need in whatever it is that we are looking for, at least from a spiritual standpoint.

How you can preach online with your writings about religion

People often wonder how can anyone make money with religion. Although using religion to make money is not really a noble deed, let’s discuss the issue for the sake of this article’s purpose. Here’s how you can earn some fame as an online preacher and make money.

By becoming a religion blogger

For every imaginable topic you can cite, there is a blogger somewhere in the landscape of cyberspace that talks about it, literally. If people talk about a lot of nonsense things within the blogosphere, why can’t you, a religious and wise person blog about your wisdom and knowledge?

Setting up a blog is so easy to do these days, and not to mention, could be done for no monetary capital at all. All you need is an idea, some discipline, and you could rake in some revenue out of it.

Read this so you’ll become a successful blogger.

By being an ebook publisher

Some time decades ago, you need to work with a publishing company, and a printing press so you can get your books published and be sold in the market. But those days are long gone now. Just like in blogging, where there is no need to invest in some financial capital, you can be an ebook publisher. All you need to have is some basic typing skills, some solid religious ideas, and you could be on your way to a profitable publishing business.

You can just use an average-speed computer, or even your phone. By having basic knowledge about typical word-processing and pdf file types, you can be an instant publisher in which you can pour out your spiritual guidance to the netizens that highly need it.

Learn about how to properly write and publish ebooks here.

By preaching on Youtube

If you don’t mind being reminded, preachers like Billy Graham, Jimmy Jimmy Swaggart, Joel Olsteen, Apollo Quiboloy, and a whole bunch of other preachers that are too many to mention here are becoming extremely popular by launching their careers on TV. Yes, many of these guys are known to be in some extremely embarrassing controversies, but the fame they attained is something that can never be belittled.

Of course, trekking on the path they took is difficult and expensive. Thankfully though, we have Youtube today in which all you need to have is a camera, a few technical skills, and some confidence. If you really love preaching God’s word on video, launching a Youtube channel would be a very wise move.

To ensure your success on Youtube, read this.

By launching a spiritual podcast

If you’re a bit shy about appearing on a video as you preach, you might want to consider preaching via podcasting – the online equivalent of radio broadcasting.

Though speaking through the airwaves via AM or FM frequencies is still a very viable option these days, internet connectivity is the most preferred medium by most people today. You should highly consider recording your voice and publishing it through podcast portals like Fusebox. Buzzsprout, and Blubrry.

Upon considering podcasting, bear in mind that you must be highly elaborate, articulate, and illustrative with your voice in the best manner possible. Unlike a vlog or video presentation, people will have nothing but your voice alone which means that you have to make your explanations very easily digestible since your listeners will have no graphical supplements whatsoever.

Related Article: Making Podcasts Without Speaking- It’s Possible!

The good thing about podcasting is that you don’t have to invest in very expensive equipment to get started. You can just use your phone or buy a condenser microphone (which is surprisingly cheap these days) and start recording right away.

Learn about recording your voice properly here.

Many preachers start off in radio stations and became truly popular. Since paying for airtime on radio establishments is expensive, you can choose to make your own web-based broadcast right at the convenience of your own home.

You can make good podcasts even if you can’t speak very well, learn how by reading this.

By selling your writings

Write for any of the following religious websites and publishing companies and earn money as you do so.

Websites that pay for religious articles

Today’s Christian Living

This site looks for story-based, testimonial articles from freelance writers. The magazine’s regular columns include health, finance, book reviews, and humor.

Their method of picking articles is based on what they think will create a good cross-section of topics for each issue. Therefore, they typically select most or all freelance articles at one time to make sure the themes create a well-rounded issue and avoid repetition of a topic within an issue or with previous issues.

Payment is based on the number of words after editing and is rated as follows. Less than 750 words = $25, 750-800 words = $75, 801-1199 words = $100, 1200-1800 words = $150. Payment is given within 60 days of publication.

Vibrant Life

Their publication Vibrant Life needs practical articles that emphasize promoting improved physical health, increased mental clarity, and a sustained spiritual balance in the everyday life of the subscribers.

Short articles that fall within the range of 450 to 650 words are their favorites. For feature articles, they recommend that they should not exceed 1,000 words. Payment is made upon article approval. If it has a quality of expression, accurate use of up-to-date research findings, and relevance of content, it is sure to be published. You could be paid $100 to $300.

The Compass Magazine

As a publication of the Seventy-Day Adventist church, this one accepts articles discussing contemporary questions and challenges in SDA theology and history.

Articles comprised of 800 to 1,500 words are highly preferred and must be written in a general or conversational style. Chosen cover topics must be relevant to present events. Writers who prefer longer articles are encouraged to shorten their pieces before submitting them.

Compass pays up to $125 for original unpublished articles. If your article has already been printed somewhere else, they may choose to print it though you will only be credited for it and not accept any payment. They pay within 4 weeks after the article is posted.

Creation Illustrated

They accept feature articles and poems. Because of their emphasis on telling stories through illustrations, your submissions will only be accepted if they can be packaged in an illustrated manner with the help of the pictures that their freelance photographers provide.

Each published writer will receive 1 copy of the magazine in addition to the payment and will have a byline corresponding to it. Payment is given 30 days upon publication.

Short-worded poetry is paid at $15. For feature articles that are expected to be in 1,500-word in length, you could earn up to $100.

Lutheran Digest

The Digest has 2 main goals: To entertain and encourage believers, and to persuade non-believers to embrace the Lutheran-Christian faith in a subtle way. What this site needs are seasonal and special interest stories that showcase God’s presence in nature.

Articles should be no more than 7,000 and not less than 3,000 characters in length. Submitted writings should reflect a Lutheran-Christian perspective. They must not be intended to be presented as “lecturing” sermonettes.

The Lutheran Digest usually pays $35.00 per article, plus a complimentary copy to be sent to the writer upon publication.

Whole Life Times

The publication strives to provide leading-edge editorial that is not only entertaining but also directly usable by their readers. They choose to give information that mainstream media just choose to gloss over or fail to recognize.

The magazine accepts 800 to 1000 word stories, for which they pay from $75 to 150 depending on the topic, research required, and writer experience. In addition, they have a number of regular departments that pay $35 to 125.

They also have a section featuring short, newsy blurbs on their coverage topics. With 300 to 400 words, they pay $25 to 35 depending on length and topic.

BA Online

The Bible Advocate seeks writers who can serve articles on biblical topics and doctrine, current religious and cultural issues, Christian living, and inspiring personal testimony. They also feature poetry, church news, and mission activity.

It is important that your article must be consistent with the doctrinal statement of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. However, they don’t require that their writers belong to the SDA church or that they should be a member of a certain denomination. It is preferable though that writers are born-again believers in Christ, professing Jesus as Lord and savior.

If your writing is accepted, Bible Advocate Press pays an honorarium of $25 to $65. They also pay for poetry and fillers for $20. They accept simultaneous submissions which give a lot of room for writers to gain extra income.

Prism Magazine

In order for a writer to have a shot at publishing with Prism Magazine, a query letter is something they ask first. Depending on how good that letter is, they may work with a writer that’s unknown to them. Instead of pitches, they prefer to read an entire manuscript. Writers are asked to submit their work samples along with their query letters. They look for pieces that contain 800 to 1000 words.

New writers should expect to work on spec pieces, as article assignments are rarely given to writers that they haven’t worked with, in the past. Payment is around $50 if it reaches the 800-word count. Payment is given within a month of publication.

Focus on The Family

With a circulation of over 80,000 copies which is patronized by young readers and their parents all over the world, the magazine is designed to inspire, entertain, and teach Christian values to children ages 8 to 12. If you can write feature fiction stories with children as the main character, they are very much interested in that.

The pay is between 15 and 25 cents per word, depending on the amount of editing that needs to be done. Feature-length fiction stories are usually paid at $200 or higher. Nonfiction pieces are priced at $150 and up. When commissioned for an assignment, authors are required to sign a contract and are paid approval of their pieces. Upon publication, complimentary copies will be sent to the writer as well.


InSite a bimonthly publication that serves as the flagship product of the Christian Camp and Conference Association aims to inform and motivate professionals serving in the Christian camp and conference community.

With this notion, they seek writers that can write about what God is doing in Christian camp and conference ministries, and demonstrate how camping professionals can be most efficient and effective in their outreach efforts.

For articles written and contributed by writers outside CCCA, payment offers are 20 cents per word and are sent upon publication of the magazine.

Guide Magazine

Their mission is to show readers, through stories that illustrate Bible truth and how to walk with God. They do this by publishing a Christian story magazine targeting readers from ages 10 to14.

In some cases, they accept quizzes and other unique nonstory formats. Standard feature-length stories should be around 1,000 to 1,200 words. They may also accept shorter pieces of just around 450 words. You could be paid for 7-10 cents per word if your article is chosen.

Should you decide on making games or puzzles for their publication, you have to bear in mind that although Biblical themes are encouraged, it is not that high of a requirement. Payment is $25 to 40 for first serial rights.

Franciscan Media

Published by Franciscan Media, St. Anthony Messenger, is a Catholic monthly magazine that has been around since 1893. Their goal is to promote ideal citizenship, deeper faith in God, stronger family ties, and greater economic justice.

They never consider articles submitted simultaneously to other publications. Feature articles must be around 2,000 words, although they also publish shorter pieces occasionally.

For articles and fiction, payment is 20 cents per word. They buy first worldwide serial rights to publish your articles and they may choose to republish them in other formats, including all formats visible on the internet. Published writers receive two complimentary copies of published work.

Faith and Life Sources

Here, books are published that call readers to follow Jesus in word and deed from an Anabaptist perspective. They provide resources about Christian discipleship, spirituality, reconciliation, justice, and theology.

For their magazine called Purpose, they look for writers that can help reinforce their products in reaching a broad spectrum of evangelical, mainline, and Anabaptist readers. Their publication needs unheard, true stories with 450 to 700 words. They also accept poems with up to 12 lines.

Rates of payment for articles range from $25 to $50. For poetry, they give $10 to $20. Payment is given along with complimentary that are sent to the writer.

Light and Life Magazine

The magazine’s aim is to offer compelling unique content with an emphasis on Free Methodist concepts designed to connect people who attend their church. Writers must be encouraged to have uncompromising advocacy of “righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

Writing pieces within such topics must be around 2,100 words in length. For a feature article, 800 to 1,000 words are preferable. Payment rates may vary depending on the quality of the article. $100 is given for feature articles and $50 for action and discipleship articles.

Hinduism Today

This is a magazine that’s considered “the voice of Hinduism” and is still called as such in its 34th year of publication. The articles that they publish range from timely events, human interest stories, interviews, trend analysis, social issues, lifestyle pieces, cultural explorations, travel-log, and special feature reporting.

Short pieces can be just around 200 to 500 words. Feature articles must reach 1,000 to 5,000 words. Pictures that can make your writings more comprehensive are much appreciated.

Payment is 10 cents per word and $20 for each picture that they publish. For professional photographs, special negotiations may take place.


Since Islam is the next biggest religion to Christianity, the demand for articles on the topic is quite high. Should you choose to write for, your piece must reflect upon the past, present, or future state of the Muslim world.

Writers are paid up to $100 per piece although it may vary depending on word count and level of editing difficulty. Payment is given at the end of the month in which the article is published.

Is this list not enough? Here are more similar sites.

Even in the realm of spirituality and religion, there are still ways to earn some revenue. Take your chance and grab a spot on any of the above-mentioned publishing companies. You could be earning while giving glory to the powerful higher-up beings that we adore and worship so much.

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