Earning By Giving Beauty Tips Online – Here’s How You Should Do It!

Earning By Giving Beauty Tips Online – Here’s How You Should Do It!

Are you good at beautifying yourself? Are you well-versed in putting embellishments on a person’s countenance so that he or she can become an instant eye candy to the people around? If you are, then the following could be a side income generator. You could make money online by giving beauty tips online with the following methods.

What you’ll learn here:

Why you should publish your beauty tips online

Because of people’s addiction to social media, being attractive is placed at a level of unparalleled importance. Undoubtedly, the need to look beautiful is in great demand in this generation, and people regardless of their gender are on a constant lookout for tips that can make them physically attractive.

Since most of us don’t have the privilege of appearing on TV shows or magazines just to showcase our skills for beauty enhancement, appearing on our own videos or online posts is our most doable alternative. This is the reason why should consider publishing your knowledge about beauty tips.

How can you actually make money online with your beauty tips?

Affiliate marketing

For every blogger, vlogger, or any content creator out there, affiliate marketing is the most obvious and most profitable method for making money online. As you promote your beauty regimen or as you expose your tips in making yourself more beautiful, you can post links to beauty products that your viewers can buy.

Such links could appear as a phrase or sentence somewhere on your blog or social media page that people could click, and where they’d be ushered into buying those products. For every purchase they make, you’d get a commission, which will be sent through your bank account or online wallet.


This is very similar to affiliate marketing in the sense that for every person you’d refer to a product or company, you’d get points that could be later converted into money. To make the most out of referral links, you’d have to be knowledgeable with email marketing, social media interaction, and some copywriting skills.

If those are too technical for you, you may just rest on the idea that you’d need to work really hard convincing people through text messaging or within your social media account. The main concept for this is that you have to convince a lot of people that they need to promote referral links pertaining to a certain beauty product. The more links you can promote, the more points you’d get.


If you own a blog or a Youtube channel, advertising is the simplest and easiest way to make money as a beauty tips provider. Within your blog’s pages, on the sidebars, or somewhere on your uploaded videos, you can place a product advertisement that people could click, or watch. While that happens, points could be earned which could be converted into income.

Best methods for publishing your beauty tips online (and why you should choose them)

Here’s one thing you have to accept, online selling can only be best done if you’re doing it in an indirect way. What this really means is that in order to make your selling acts more effective, you have to provide some content that people could find useful.

Here’s how you might do it:

Blogging – Choose this if you’re passionate about writing, or if you have some decent writing skills already that you can develop. Thankfully, blogging platforms today are so easy to use that you’d be set up already in a few hours, as long as you have a few writings already ready for publishing.

Learn about blogging the easy way here.

Ebook publishing – Choose this if you can’t write on a regular basis as you’d do in blogging. Ebooks can be self-published and are could not be as long as standard printed books. You could sell them on Amazon or on other similar online bookstores.

Learn about properly publishing your ebooks here.

Vlogging – Choose this if you’re confident with your looks, or if you can speak properly in front of a camera. You don’t need to be super good-looking, though that’s a really huge advantage. What you need to be a successful beauty vlogger is a high level of guts and a comprehensive way of explaining to people how they can make themselves truly beautiful.

Ensure your vlogging success by reading this.

Podcasting – Choose this if you hate the idea of being videoed, but would love to discuss beautification using your voice alone. Podcasting requires lesser and cheaper equipment than vlogging. All you need to have is your phone or some basic computer equipment, and basic sound recording skills.

Webinars – Choose this if you can do both vlogging and podcasting. If you’re confident you can do both, there’s no reason you shouldn’t try conducting webinars. To make money with beauty webinars, you’d need to establish a reputation though so people would show interest.

What if you can’t do any of these?

Fret not, there is another alternative, and this is about making a Facebook page that you can fill with curated content that you can find on the web. By sharing content from other blogs or Youtube channels that talk about beauty tips, you could still attain a number of followers that you can later convert into customers.

There are a lot of affiliate platforms today that will allow you to sell products through social media. If you’ve met certain criteria that you can show on your page, some of these affiliate programs could be a good source of income if your work hard enough.

Learn about selling through your Facebook page here.

Best topics for discussion in giving beauty tips online

To keep people engaged and captivated with our content, you need to come up with some kind of structure or strategy. Here are the most vital topics that you have to include in your writings or videos:

Facial care and makeup

The face is what truly defines physical beauty, at least from most people’s perspectives. If you create content about beauty but can’t give tips on how to make one’s face more attractive, then you’d be better off blogging or vlogging about anything else.

Discuss how to make facial skin glow, and talk about the best kind of makeup they can apply so that they’d be more appealing to people. A web content like this, when produced in an easy-to-digest form could never go wrong.


Next to facial beauty, skincare should come next. People these days, both male and female alike are so obsessed with having a glowing skin that they’d fake their way into using photo filters just to pull it off.

But if you can explain a truly attainable and believable set of methods that can improve people’s skin textures, you are already a few steps away from becoming truly profitable with your beauty tips publishing.


The hair they say is the crowning glory of women. The thing is, some men believe this as well. Since hair is very important as well, it would be a mistake to not include hairstyling in your writings or videos.

In demoing your hair-styling tasks on video, you have to be very selective and cautious though since cutting hair would be such a hassle, and it would take a long time for it to grow back. Damages on your strands should be expected too. Unlike skincare in which oils and creams could just be easily wiped, hair styling requires a certain level of cautiousness.


We are how we dress, and in your beauty writings and videos, you should strongly consider writing about fashion. Dressing properly and impressively is a huge element of today’s modern culture, and people always expect it to be present in any web-based beauty-related discussion.

Aside from talking about clothes, it would be best if you try those clothes as well, or with some other people that look good in those clothes.

Physical fitness

These days, having a beautiful face isn’t enough, you have to have a nicely-shaped physique too. If you browse through the contents of a beauty website or vlog, it’s very unlikely that you wouldn’t see some tips about how to have a sexier body.

So in publishing web content, discussion about workouts, dieting, and various types of physical fitness must be included as well. It would be truly unwise to ignore this tip.

The world is obsessed with having a very presentable physical appearance. Take advantage of this, make money with your beauty tips online and attain a more stable stream of income along the way.

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