20 Sites – Submit Articles About Wine and Food and Get Paid

20 Sites – Submit Articles About Wine and Food and Get Paid

Some websites solicit other writings from people like you who might be knowledgeable enough about food and drinks. Here are sites that would be willing to pay you with the corresponding amounts listed for each of them.

Down East Magazine

During its entire publication of 60 years, they publish writeups about the culture, history, current events, and food hotspots of Maine, USA. They follow strict writing and editing guidelines. If you choose to write for them, you will be required to indicate your writing style and writing patterns. Payment is between $0.40 and $0.70 per word.

Edible Cleveland

Accepting both food articles and recipes, they have a hands-on editorial workforce that’s very keen on building the structure of your writings. As a member of an award-winning, nationwide series of community-based food publications called Edible Communities, Edible Cleveland is a proven authority on cooking. They publish articles on a quarterly basis. Payment is $0.20 – $0.30 per word.

Edible New Orleans

This publication is also a member of Edible Communities. Publishing magazines on a quarterly basis, its mission is to transform the way people cook, eat, and buy edible stuff in New Orleans, USA. Articles to submit must be around 500 – 3,000 in length. Payment for this magazine is negotiable.


They claim to primarily pick report articles about food instead of stories that revolve around cooking. As such, they are interested in accepting writings that include politics, technology, business, pop culture, etc., as long as it revolves around the central plot of food. In writing for this site, you need to pitch your idea to the editors first, which will talk to you about how to write your article once you get assigned to do one. Payment is from $0.07 – $0.67 per word.

Eating Well

Their motto is “Ingredients of the good life,” and they publish writings about cooking that are newsy and scientific in approach. They publish their magazines 10 times a year. They claim to have readers that are not only interested in the nutrition that food gives, but also in its origins and the social issues that surround it. Payment is $1 per word.

Extra Crispy

The kinds of writings they seek are those that are centered on eatables for breakfast. They highly welcome onion pieces, illustrated narratives, original recipes, and personal essays. To get commissioned on a writing job for their publication, you need to pitch your idea first. As you do so, they will need you to provide some credentials of your cooking experience to discern if your writing is up to your credibility. Payment is around $0.38 – $0.50 per word.

Food and Nutrition Magazine

This one is a huge authority on food-related subjects as it is the publication of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. In soliciting ideas from writers, they seek those that can provide articles that are well-balanced and intelligently written.

Taproot Magazine

This is a publication that’s created with the intention of seeking out stories about food, farming, family, and craftsmanship that can connect everyone. They publish 2 magazines a month. In writing for them, you are encouraged to check out their previous issues to have an idea about what they publish. Your article must be around 800 – 4000 words.

Radish Magazine

Articles to be submitted must revolve around the topics of eating right, great places, outdoor destinations, home gardens, and anything similar. They focus on the overall facts about a healthy lifestyle in western Illinois and eastern Iowa, USA. Upon publication, writers could be paid from $50 to $150 per article depending on the length of the article and the quality of work.

Sunset Magazine

Claiming to be Western America’s largest-circulation magazine, it has columns that are solely devoted to food. In submitting a query for an article idea, the proposal must clearly suggest in what month or season should it be published. A couple of revisions might take place during the crafting of the article. The number of words should be around 450 – 500. Payment ranges from $1.00 – $1.50 per word.


If you are a wine-lover, particulary of Scotch, you’d surely want to write about it for sure. This site is one of the highest-payers out there. You have to know though that they have very high standards. Some freelancers claim that only around 10% of submissions are accepted here. Maybe you should give this one a try. This could be a great place for you to start. Payment could be up to $150 per article

The Cook’s Cook

As an online community centered on cooking, it has contributors that are chefs, food writers, scientists, and agriculturists. The community lets them share ideas, techniques, and food-related experiences. If you submit recipes to their site, they require you to provide reliable links and sources to verify the authenticity of your scientific claims as to the level of nutrition that your food can give.

Today’s Dietitian

This one focuses on giving unbiased food knowledge that can cater to people having health problems such as heart diseases, diabetes, and allergies. Their publication has been printing articles that focus on such topics for 17 years already. Articles to be submitted must be 800 – 1400 words in length. You must submit a query letter to them before doing the actual submission.

Brew Your Own

Mainly focused on drinks, specifically about those that belong to the alcoholic ones, this could be your side-income generator if you’re quite knowledgeable with beer and anything that can be brewed. Articles to be accepted here must fall between 1,500 to 3,000 words. You will be prompted to pitch your idea first before submitting the actual article. You could be paid up to $200 per piece.

Edible Communities

The name itself suggests that within its halls, you can collaborate with writers and people who share that passion of yours about anything that you can eat. The community highly prefers articles that delve into the eating styles and trends within the area of Vancouver, Canada. If you have sufficient knowledge about the hottest recipes and eating spots therein, your knowledge is highly welcome on this site. The articles you may submit are expected to be not less than 800 words, but could also exceed up to 1,000.

Edible Manhattan

Providing opportunities for both writers and photographers, this publication releases magazines 4 times a year: February, May, September, and November. Freelancers are encouraged to connect and collaborate with them. The place where it operates has one of the highest numbers of readerships so the competition might be a bit stiff.

IWA Wine Blog

Also a site drinks, this blog accepts all kinds of content about wine and liquor. Moderators are looking for reader-friendly articles that must fall between 700 to 1,000 words in length. Article submissions must also be SEO-friendly so it can be easily indexed by the likes of Google and Bing. Payment ranges from $20 to $50 per article

Nutri Inspector

Food niche is evident in this site as its moderators accept articles about nutrition, weight loss, diet, wellness, and food and drinks in general. In addition, they also publish kitchen product reviews. This means that your knowledge and experiences as you use a certain brand of product could be truly useful. Their guidelines are easy to grasp. Your articles must be around 1,000 to 4,000 words. Your possible earnings could be $60 to $180 per submission.


If you’re a writer who loves to tell captivating stories about food, wine, and travel, you could pitch your ideas to Saveur. After some negotiations, you could be tasked to write your full article. In your query, there must be a comprehensive summary of the article you want to propose. You must also be very concise on how you plan to execute your whole piece. Payment is estimated to be $0.30 per word.

Bon Appetit

This one is more than a website, it’s also a publishing company. If you have an idea about food and drinks that’s worth pitching or writing for, you should do so. The great thing about Bon Appetit is that your accomplishment could lead to print assignments. If your writing is pretty good for their standards, you could be published in their magazines as well. Payment is estimated to be $0.50 per word.

Any of those 20 publishing firms could be the ultimate side-hustle you could hop into as a food and wine lover. Take your pick and start earning. Start writing now!

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