Remote On-Call Scheduler: What It Is and How To Get Hired Easily

Remote On-Call Scheduler: What It Is and How To Get Hired Easily

Because of the increasing demand for home-based online workers, on-call schedulers are currently in-demand as well. This could be the online job that suits you. The job of an on-call scheduler typically involves managing and coordinating the schedules of employees who work in roles that require 24/7 coverage or support, such as healthcare, emergency services, or IT operations.

What you’ll learn here:

Your Job As An On-Call Scheduler

If you get hired for the job, you will be responsible for ensuring that the right employees are available at the right times to respond to emergencies or urgent situations. You may also be responsible for managing vacation requests, shift changes, and other schedule-related issues.

In addition to scheduling, on-call schedulers may also be responsible for tracking employee hours and ensuring that they are accurately recorded for payroll purposes. They may also need to communicate with employees and managers to resolve scheduling conflicts or address any other issues that arise.

Getting hired as an on-call scheduler requires strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to manage multiple schedules and priorities simultaneously.

Kinds of Companies That Hire On-Call Schedulers

Companies and organizations may hire on-call schedulers to manage their employees’ schedules to ensure that their operations are running smoothly and seamlessly. Some examples of industries or sectors that commonly employ on-call schedulers include:

Healthcare: Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities often require round-the-clock staffing, and on-call schedulers are responsible for coordinating and managing staff schedules to ensure adequate coverage.

Emergency services: Police, fire, and ambulance services also require round-the-clock coverage, and on-call schedulers may be responsible for managing staff schedules to ensure prompt response to emergencies.

IT Operations: On-call schedulers may be responsible for ensuring that IT support staff are available around the clock to respond to system failures or other IT issues.

Manufacturing: Some manufacturing operations may require on-call schedulers to ensure that production lines are staffed around the clock and that any breakdowns or emergencies are addressed promptly.

Call centers: On-call schedulers may be responsible for managing staff schedules in call centers to ensure that customer service representatives are available to handle calls at all times.

Transportation: Companies in the transportation industry, such as airlines or shipping companies, may require on-call schedulers to ensure that personnel are available to handle unexpected delays or emergencies.

Your Expected Earnings As An On-Call Scheduler

The salary of an on-call scheduler can vary depending on factors such as location, industry, and level of experience. According to data from the website Glassdoor, the average base salary for an on-call scheduler in the United States is around $50,000 per year.

However, salaries for on-call schedulers can range from around $32,000 to over $80,000 per year, with factors such as geographic location, years of experience, and the size and complexity of the organization impacting pay. Some on-call schedulers may also be eligible for bonuses, overtime pay, or other forms of compensation.

It’s important to note that these figures are estimates based on reported salaries, and actual salaries for on-call schedulers may vary depending on individual skill set, promotional issues, and other work-based circumstances.

Creating An On-Call Schedule

You can’t be an efficient on-call scheduler if you have no idea how to create an effective on-call schedule. The task requires careful planning and consideration of a variety of factors, including staffing levels, employee availability, and the needs of the organization. Here are some steps you can take to create an on-call schedule:

Define your requirements: Begin by identifying the roles and departments that immediate and constant coverage and the types of support that are needed during on-call hours.

Determine staffing levels: Based on your requirements, determine the number of staff members needed for on-call shifts and the total number of shifts required each week or month.

Identify employee availability: Work with your employees to determine their availability for on-call shifts, taking into account their personal schedules and any other commitments they may have.

Develop a schedule: Use a scheduling tool or software to create a schedule that meets your staffing requirements and takes into account employee availability. Consider factors such as shift length, minimum rest periods, and the need for backup staff in case of emergencies.

Communicate the schedule: Share the on-call schedule with your employees and ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities during their assigned shifts. Provide clear guidelines for how to report incidents or escalate issues during on-call hours.

Review and adjust: Regularly review the on-call schedule and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it continues to meet your organization’s needs. Solicit feedback from your employees to identify areas for improvement and make changes accordingly.

Tools You Can Use as On-Call Scheduler

Although you can easily use word processors and spreadsheet programs to get the job done, you have to consider learning some online tools for making on-call schedules. Here are some popular options:

Humanity: is a cloud-based scheduling software that allows you to create and manage on-call schedules online. It includes features such as automatic shift reminders, time-off requests, and shift-swapping capabilities.

When I Work: is another cloud-based scheduling software that offers on-call scheduling features. It allows you to create and publish schedules, track employee time and attendance, and communicate with your team via a mobile app.

ScheduleOnce: is a scheduling software that allows you to create on-call schedules, send shift invitations to employees, and receive real-time notifications when shifts are accepted or declined. It also includes features such as time zone conversion and appointment booking.

Calendly: is a scheduling tool that integrates with your calendar to allow others to schedule appointments with you. It can also be used to create on-call schedules and send shift invitations to employees.

Shiftboard: is a scheduling software that includes on-call scheduling features, such as the ability to create schedules, manage employee availability, and track hours worked. It also includes features such as time-off requests and shift-swapping capabilities.

These are just a few examples of the many software tools available for on-call scheduling. When selecting a tool, consider factors such as ease of use, cost, and the specific features that meet the needs of your organization.

Tips For Getting Hired As An On-Call Scheduler

Gain relevant experience: Having experience in scheduling or staffing roles can be a big plus when applying for on-call scheduler positions. Look for opportunities to gain experience in these areas, such as by working in a similar role at a previous job or volunteering to assist with scheduling at a nonprofit or community organization.

Highlight your organizational skills: On-call schedulers need to be highly organized and detail-oriented, so be sure to emphasize your skills in these areas on your resume and in your job interviews. Provide examples of how you have successfully managed complex schedules or coordinated multiple tasks simultaneously.

Demonstrate your communication skills: Effective communication is essential for on-call schedulers, as they must be able to communicate clearly and effectively with employees, managers, and other stakeholders. Be sure to highlight your communication skills on your resume and practice answering interview questions in a clear and concise manner.

Emphasize your flexibility: On-call scheduling can be unpredictable, so employers are often looking for candidates who are flexible and adaptable. Be prepared to discuss your willingness to work nontraditional hours or to adjust your schedule as needed to meet the needs of the organization.

Obtain relevant certifications: While not always required, obtaining relevant certifications or training in scheduling or staffing can demonstrate your commitment to the field and make you a more competitive candidate. Look for certification programs or training courses offered by professional associations or industry organizations.

Network with professionals in the field: Networking can be a valuable way to learn about job openings and connect with professionals in the on-call scheduling field. Attend industry conferences, join professional associations, and participate in online forums or discussion groups to build your network and learn about job opportunities.

Where To Apply As On-Call Scheduler

If you have internalized the aforementioned tips already, you might want to start scouring the web for on-call scheduling vacancies. You may also try applying through the following popular online job portals. Just visit each of the links and you will be presented with a search query that shows on-call scheduling jobs.


In addition to the sense of fulfillment that comes with making a meaningful contribution to your organization, working as an on-call scheduler can also offer professional growth opportunities. You may have the chance to develop your leadership and management skills, learn about new technologies and tools, and collaborate with colleagues from a variety of departments and backgrounds. Having said that, you weigh down your options carefully and think about the possibility of working as an on-call scheduler.

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