Why Vlogging is Easier Than Blogging (From A Technical Standpoint)

Why Vlogging is Easier Than Blogging (From A Technical Standpoint)

As 2 of the best ways to make money on the Internet, many aspirants are still undecided on the path to choose: to be a blogger or to be a vlogger. Some people say the former is easier, while some say the latter is the better choice.

The debate could go on and on, and you could be trapped in the confusion for eternity unless someone gives you a sound set of advice and methods. To help you decide, let’s tackle the technical considerations of the 2 fields. Perhaps, I could give you a better understanding of which among the 2 terrains is easier for you to trek into in your internet-earning endeavors.

What you’ll learn here:

The Tricky and Difficult Challenges in Starting a Blog

Upon taking the following steps, someone who thinks of starting a blog would understand the basic technicalities of blogging:

Buying your own domain name

Why is this important? Because the URL of your website is very crucial in making it more marketable. You can’t just think of any name or any identifier for your blog, doing so would be a very bad idea.

Deciding to make a blog is like having a baby – you need to do a lot of planning to bring your offspring into the world. If you don’t give enough time to think about the best name for your son or daughter, then you are an irresponsible kind of parent. That name will be used by your child in all the years of his life, so you have to give your name-picking much thought.

So how is that connected to the act of buying your own domain name? Can’t you just pick any website name and embed it into your blog? No, you can’t just do that. One reason for that is this: no website within cyberspace can ever exist if its name is exactly the same as a site that already existed before it. Industries that govern the Internet won’t allow it, I bet you already knew that.

Another reason is that the name you pick for your site should be meant to give the shortest and quickest description of what your site is all about. It would be a horrible idea to name your website “huggablepets.com” if you’re writing about food and clothing, or if you’re talking about your friends and relatives… unless of course, you treat your loved ones as your pets.

Buying a website domain is quick, easy, and cheap. Read about it here.

Learning various writing guidelines and styles

As a blogger, you need to be a good writer. Otherwise, the success you aim for would always be at bay. In order to be one, you need to, of course, know about the most appropriate writing styles. You need to master the craft of being a good wordsmith – this is the best way to attract readers and viewers.

This doesn’t mean you have to enroll in a top-notch university that offers the best writing courses. You can, however, take up online courses or webinars in which writing lessons are offered. Doing so would be affordable and not too much of a hassle. There are lots of it here in cyberspace.

Or maybe you can just learn proper writing on your own. Constant reading and research would be sufficient enough already if you set your heart and mind into it.

The importance of learning proper writing styles is also very crucial to a blog’s success. Many aspiring bloggers are getting instant rejection when they apply for web-advertising firms like Adsense and Media.net for having badly-written posts… you simply wouldn’t want to experience that.

If you’re a blogging enthusiast who wishes to make a living out of writing, or if you’re someone who got declined with your web-advertising endeavors, consider refining your writing styles. Do it not only for the sake of advertising, but also for the sake of your readers.

Setting up your website on a blogging platform

If you already own a domain name, the next step should be choosing a platform where your blog site could reside into. There are lots of them to choose from – some are free, some are not. Of course, the free ones offer lesser customizing options, you can’t have the flexibility that you can get when you choose those platforms that require some payment.

Should you opt for a platform that’s totally free, Blogger should be the best option for you. Aside from the fact that it is available to anyone who owns a Google account, it offers highly comprehensible menus and tools that any novice blogger can easily figure out.

But choosing a free blogging platform isn’t actually a very wise decision. Once your website grows in popularity, you will begin to have feelings of regret why you didn’t establish it on a site where there are more customization options. This is a dilemma suffered by many beginning bloggers.

To avoid suffering the same, you should highly consider buying a hosting plan too, aside from buying a domain name. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, a website name is just a word, it needs to own a physical space too, where the text and media files of your blog must be stored into. Thus, you need to purchase some kind of server space, this is why you have to acquire a web hosting plan. Read about it here.

Configuring your blog for higher visibility

This is where the difficult part joins the party. Truth to be told, writing quality articles is not enough, you need to make netizens know that your website exists. Having a nice-looking blog filled with very readable content is like owning a restaurant with lots of delicious foods. But If nobody knows where your restaurant is, and how to visit it, your business could easily collapse before you even know it.

Armed with that understanding, you need to know how to set up your blog to make it highly visible for internet users. If you ask a lot of bloggers (including yours truly), this is not an easy thing to do, especially for the inexperienced.

In connection to the domain name issue discussed above, you have to know that your website would have a very low chance of getting searched properly by search engines if it doesn’t have a top-level domain name. This means that the “.com”, or “.net” extension of your site should be the last characters and not “.blogspot.com” or “.wix.com.”

I have nothing against Wix or Blogger. But I’m pretty sure the people behind these 2 internet giants would agree that having a “clean domain name” is vital to a website’s success. So, in order to make your website highly marketable and searchable, you have to buy your own domain name.

Let’s assume you already own a domain name and that you have chosen it very carefully, is that enough? No, not yet. You have to learn about this thing called SEO (Search-Engine Optimization). Simply stated, this is the science of making your website highly visible whenever people search for keywords that can be found within your site’s pages. This is a very huge factor that can either make or break… or kill your website!

If you’re a novice blogger who is quite unfamiliar with the science behind SEO, Let me be very honest with you, it’s a very complicated thing to learn. You need to invest a huge amount of time so you can truly understand and master it.

Fret not, and fear never though, many web experts have simplified it so that the uninitiated like you and me can figure it out. Read this to understand it faster.

The easier steps that an aspiring vlogger will only need to do.

You’ve just been given the points about the technical difficulties of blogging. Now let’s talk about its counterpart with the “v”. Let’s talk about the technicalities of vlogging so that you can get to grasp why it’s easier than blogging.

Creating your own channel on Youtube (or any similar site)

Such an action costs you almost nothing, unless you count the internet connection time that you consume in logging in and configuring your page. When you set up your blog on your chosen platform, you need to employ some artistic skills – you have to make your site layout as visually appealing as possible… this is also vital to your site’s approval as you apply for web advertising.

Compared to setting up the visuals of your blog site, setting up your Youtube channel is very, very easy. All you need to accomplish are a little typing of some text and captions and executing a few mouse clicks. After that, you’ll be already prompted to upload some videos.

Like choosing a name or site address for your blog, choosing a channel name could be tricky though, but not as tricky as choosing a domain name for a website. You may even name it after your own real name, it’s cool as many Youtubers are doing that.

If you want to learn about vlogging on other platforms, read this.

Uploading video content at any time of your choosing

Here’s an additional fact about SEO. Searchability is also highly dependent on the frequency of your article posting. The more consistent you are in your act of providing content, the more chances you have of getting indexed by the likes of Google and Bing, and the more likelihood you have of getting visited by netizens.

Unlike the act of providing content and articles for your blog which must happen on a regular basis, you don’t need to do the same on Youtube. You can create content and upload it at any time at your convenience, you need not worry about if your viewership drops in the same manner as with your blog site. Of course, the more video content you have, the more potential viewers you can gain.

But here’s the thing, the realm of the Blogosphere is much more strict than the Vlogosphere. The guidelines are tighter, the competition is much stiffer. Trust me… this is very true.

Learning video-editing skills

“The process of video-editing is more difficult than the process of writing blog posts. Everyone can write, but not everyone can capture videos and edit them”

– This is the strongest argument that most pro-vloggers give. They think that since writing is an act that every person is capable of, it should be reason enough to declare that blogging is much easier.

But here’s where they got it wrong, learning how to edit videos is a whole lot easier than learning about proper grammar, proper punctuation, proper text formatting, and the very broad avenue of learning how to write properly.

I can say from experience that there are fewer skills that you need to master in producing quality videos than in making quality article posts.

In making a vlog post, the only major guideline you have to follow is the ability to speak clearly and confidently. You don’t have to worry about spelling, proper text formatting, and word redundancy. There are so many vloggers on Youtube that are very redundant with the words they say, many of them can’t even pronounce words properly yet, and their channels seem to accumulate a decent number of viewers and subscribers.

I declare that a blogger experiences more difficulties than a vlogger, but that’s just my opinion. Choosing either avenue has its own upsides and downsides. And what’s easy for one person could be difficult for another.

In order to be a good video editor, you have to watch a lot of videos, and in order for you to be a good writer, you need to read a lot of books and write articles. You can’t dispute that, right?

Now ask yourself, which is more difficult, watching 10 videos, or reading 10 books? If you can answer that, then you’ll easily get my point.

My intention here is not to discourage anyone who’s about to start with either blogging or vlogging. My aim is to make beginners grasp the ease or unease of either of the 2, from a technical perspective.

Write about things or capture moving images… It’s mainly up to you.

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