Here’s How To Truly Earn With Social Media Comments (But Not The Way You Think)

Here’s How To Truly Earn With Social Media Comments (But Not The Way You Think)

Since almost any online activity can be monetized these days, you might be wondering if you could make money by commenting on Facebook and other social media sites. It might amaze you, but the answer is yes!

It’s not exactly the way you think though. If you really want to make money with your fondness for giving social media comments, here are the steps and methods you have to look into. Let’s categorize them into 2: earning as a worker and as a content creator.

What you’ll learn here:

Earning as a worker

Only those who work deserve to be paid. So for your own sake, consider the following online careers.

Work as a social media page moderator

In every online job portal you could possibly mention, there is a noticeable job description labeled as ‘social media moderator.’ Getting hired for this means you’ll be tasked to moderate the posting and commenting activities within a social media page assigned to you.

You’ll be approving posts from other people, replying to their messages, and of course, replying to their comments.

Work as a digital marketer

While traditional online companies conduct their marketing through emails and newsletters, there are those who resort to social media commenting as a means of promoting their business. Though working as a digital marketer also tasks you to spread newsletters and various messages, you could also be assigned to reply to social media comments and interact with people in the comment section of other similar pages.

Sell products through social interaction

You can sell products through an online store, but you could also do the same while approaching people through comment sections everywhere. To sell effectively though, you must do it in a very indirect way, like showing that you are a true friend and that you truly care for whoever it is that you approach.

Indirect selling is a craft you have to master – something that you have to do in a very subtle way. It takes a lot of buildup to truly pull off successfully that’s why you have to give yourself ample time to learn it step by step.

Also, you must be careful in giving multiple comments. Do your best to avoid copy-pasting your direct selling comments. You could get banned from using Facebook or other similar sites if you develop the habit of giving the same comments repeatedly.

But the real challenge you have to face in this is convincing people that the product or services you’re trying to sell are really worth it. Regardless if it’s in the comment sections of social media or anywhere else, this is the most important selling lesson you must instill in your mind.

Work as an internet troll

Let’s be honest, this method is somewhat shady and could let you face some moral and ethical challenges along the way. Though some of your family and friends might discourage you from taking this job, such a money-earning potential really exists – working as an internet troll can really give you a huge-enough stream of income.

If you don’t know what a ‘net troll’ really means, let’s just say it’s a person tasked to do unpleasant things such as spreading fake news, demeaning a certain entity, pretending to be somebody, and all sorts of fakery just to achieve a certain social media outcome by some rich and powerful people.

For some reason, it’s really difficult to find ways online about getting hired as an internet troll. One of the best ways to get this job is via the “friend of a friend recruitment.” Someone from your social media circle could be already working as a net troll and if he or she thinks you’re capable of it, that person might approach you so you can join their pack.

But being a net troll is not a “solidly legitimate” online job. It is strongly recommended you avoid it. There are plenty of online careers out there that are more worth your time. This is where you look for them.

How much could you earn from working with social media comments?

Here are the salaries to expect if you choose any of those jobs mentioned above:

  • Social media page moderator: $700 to $1600 per month
  • Digital marketer – $800 to $1000 per month
  • Internet troll – $500 to $1500 per month

Rates could greatly vary depending on where you are and how huge the online company you’re working for is.

Earning as a content creator

If having a boss isn’t your thing, you could be your own boss as you make money with social media comments by becoming a content creator. Before you decide of hopping into it, here’s what you must learn.

Learn how to deal with negativity

Even if you say the nicest and most positive things, there will always be those who will hate your comments and won’t rest until you’re trampled down because of that thing you say. This same principle applies to social media interactions.

If you’re already a blogger, vlogger, or anyone who publishes content regularly on the web, for sure, you already have your fair share of negative comments from your bashers. You could still benefit from this in some ways. You can make a piece of content that specifically addresses those negative comments and address them in such a way that the readers or viewers will love you even more.

Learn how to address harsh comments constructively (or otherwise)

If there’s one golden lesson that the most experienced content creators have taught us, it’s that appearing villainous with the way you treat your haters online is a very unwise move. So, if you see a stream of negative comments in your comment section, bear in mind: only defend, never attack.

But if you do want to attack, that’s your choice. The truth is, the most viewable online contents are those that happen to be very controversial. If you want to provoke your haters even more by unleashing your rants back at them, that could still probably make you earn huge piles of cash.

Choosing this means doing it with great caution though. It’s always better to be very safe than very sorry.

Make reaction videos or articles out of others’ comments section.

This applies to anyone who has no existing blog or vlog but still wants to make money out of comments. For this, you have to be a very keen observer of the latest controversies that float around online communities these days. If there is a famous celebrity who makes some catchy remarks about someone, you may choose to ride with the issue and post a video or blog about it.

As a result, you may get attacked or bashed terribly. But since it’s an online income you’re after, you must learn to ignore this negativity. The more they attack you, the more views you get which results in getting high monetization rewards.

This online side hustle requires courage, wit, and persistence. If you can master these aspects altogether, you could truly make money with social media comments… and perhaps you could make it a career as you get better with it over the course of time.

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