Real Earnings With Text-To-Speech Software: How To Truly Get It Right

Real Earnings With Text-To-Speech Software: How To Truly Get It Right

Making money with the convenience that text-to-speech (TTS) software gives could be one of the best online side-hustles for you. You can do it with an average-speed computer or even with your phone. Let’s explore the money-making potential of this experimental, yet very promising technology.

What You’ll Learn Here:

Using TTS To Make Money And How Much You Could Earn

Text-to-speech software can be used to make audiobooks, audio stories, voiceovers, and narration, as well as podcasts. Here’s how:

Making audiobooks

Text-to-speech software can be used to convert written text into audio format, which can be saved as an audiobook. This is a great option for authors who want to produce their own audiobooks but don’t have access to professional voice actors or studios. The software can be used to create a natural-sounding audiobook, which can be distributed through online platforms like Audible or iTunes.

The potential earnings for making audiobooks can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per project, depending on the length of the book, the narrator’s level of experience, and the distribution channels. The payment can be a one-time fee or a royalty-based system.

Making audio stories

Similar to audiobooks, text-to-speech software can be used to create audio stories. The software can be programmed to read a story aloud, complete with character voices and sound effects. This is a great option for writers who want to experiment with different storytelling techniques, or for teachers who want to create audio stories to share with their students.

How much you’d earn for making audio stories can vary depending on the length, complexity, and production quality of the story. It can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per project. The payment can also be a one-time fee or a royalty-based system.

Making voiceovers and narrations

Text-to-speech software can be used to create voiceovers and narration for videos, presentations, and other multimedia content. The software can be programmed to read a script in a natural-sounding voice, with appropriate inflection and emphasis. This is a great option for businesses or individuals who need voiceovers or narration for their content, but don’t have the resources to hire a professional voice actor.

Your earnings for making voiceovers and narration depend on the realness of your output or on the industry you’re serving. The payment can also range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per project. Some voice actors may charge hourly rates, while others may charge per word or per minute.

Making podcasts

Text-to-speech software can be used to create podcasts, either by reading scripted content or by generating voiceovers for interviews or other audio content. This is a great option for podcasters who want to experiment with different voices or styles, or who want to produce content quickly and easily. The software can be programmed to generate audio files in a variety of formats, which can be uploaded to podcast hosting platforms like SoundCloud or Buzzsprout.

Here is a detailed guide you can read if you want to make podcasts without speaking.

Depending on several factors such as the niche, the audience size, and the monetization strategy, the earning potential of your output could greatly vary. Some podcasters earn revenue through sponsorships, advertising, merchandise sales, and listener donations so how much they’ll pay will highly depend on those.

It’s important to note that the potential earnings for these types of content creation are not guaranteed, and success depends on several factors such as the quality of the content, the marketing strategy, and the competition in the industry.

How To Make Your Text-To-Speech Outputs More Human-Like

Listeners would likely avoid your outputs if they sound very robotic. Needless to say, clients seeking your services would avoid paying you handsomely as well. If you want to make your text-to-speech outputs more human-like, here are some tips you can follow:

Choose a high-quality TTS software

The quality of TTS software can vary widely, so it’s important to choose one that produces natural-sounding voices with a good rhythm and tone. Some of the best TTS software available today includes Google Cloud Text-to-Speech, Amazon Polly, and Microsoft Azure Text-to-Speech.

Tweak settings appropriately

Most TTS software allows you to customize the voice, pitch, speed, and volume of the output. Experiment with different settings to find the ones that produce the most natural-sounding voice for your needs. You can also adjust the pronunciation of specific words or phrases to ensure they are pronounced correctly.

Use appropriate punctuation

Punctuation can have a big impact on the rhythm and tone of TTS outputs. Use appropriate punctuation marks like commas, periods, and question marks to ensure that the TTS voice pauses and emphasizes the right words and phrases.

Add emotion and emphasis

Human speech is not monotone, and adding emotion and emphasis to your TTS outputs can make them sound more natural. Use tone and emphasis to convey meaning, and experiment with different emotions like happiness, sadness, and anger to give your TTS output more personality.

Use natural-sounding speech patterns

Human speech patterns are not always logical, so incorporating pauses, breaths, and hesitations into your TTS outputs can make them sound more natural. You can also add fillers like “um” and “ah” to make the speech sound more authentic.

By following these tips, you can create TTS outputs that are more human-like and engaging, which can make your outputs much more attractive to paying clients.

How To Start Earning With Your Text-To-Speech Outputs

After gaining the right skills and mindset in making compelling TTS outputs, here are several ways you can start earning money:

Work with YouTubers

Many YouTubers use TTS voices for their videos, particularly in videos that require long narrations or reading of a text. You can pitch your TTS services to YouTubers who may need a voice for their videos, and charge them for your services.

Work with Podcasters

Similar to YouTubers, many podcasters also use TTS voices for their shows. You can offer your TTS services to podcasters who need a voice for their introductions, transitions, or sponsor reads. You can charge them either a flat fee or a per-hour rate.

Pitch your services to online clients

There are many online clients who need TTS voices for various purposes, including e-learning materials, and corporate videos. You can pitch your services to these clients through freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or You can also create a website or social media pages to showcase your TTS work and attract potential clients.

The key to earning money with your TTS outputs is to identify potential clients who need your services and market yourself effectively to them. With persistence and good-quality output, you can turn your TTS skills into a profitable business.

Tips For Successfully Pitching Services To Clients

It takes time to build your client network as a TTS output creator so you have to heed these tips on how to do it effectively:

Research your potential clients: Before pitching your services, do some research on your potential clients to understand their needs and preferences. This will help you tailor your pitch to their specific requirements.

Showcase your expertise: Highlight your TTS skills, experience, and qualifications in your pitch. Provide samples of your previous work, and include any relevant certifications or awards you may have received.

Explain the benefits: Make sure to explain the benefits of using your TTS services, such as saving time and money, improving accuracy, and enhancing the user experience. Be clear about how your services can help your clients achieve their goals.

Be professional: Your pitch should be professional and concise. Use clear and concise language, avoid jargon, and proofread your pitch for any errors or typos. You can also include a professional-looking portfolio or website to showcase your work.

Offer a free sample: To convince potential clients of the quality of your work, offer a free sample of your TTS services. This will allow them to evaluate your work and determine whether your voice fits their needs.

Follow up: If you don’t receive an immediate response to your pitch, don’t be discouraged. Follow up with a polite email or phone call to inquire about their decision. This shows your interest in working with them and helps keep your name at the forefront of their minds.

Remember, the key to pitching your TTS services successfully is to focus on the needs of your clients and demonstrate how your services can help them achieve their goals. By showcasing your expertise, explaining the benefits, and maintaining a professional approach, you can increase your chances of landing new clients.

Why You Should Consider Launching Your Own Content Platform

Having your own channel or podcast offers several benefits compared to making audio outputs for clients. Consider the following advantages of having your own online portal instead of working as a freelancer for others.

Control over content

When you have your own channel, you have complete control over the content of your podcast. You can choose the topics, format, and guests that best align with your goals and values. This allows you to build a brand and a following based on your unique perspective and voice.

Building an audience

By having your own channel, you can build a loyal audience that follows you from one episode to the next. This can help you establish yourself as an authority in your field and can lead to opportunities for collaboration, sponsorships, and monetization.


When you have your own podcast, you can record and publish episodes on your own schedule. This allows you to adapt to your audience’s preferences and stay consistent with your posting schedule. Additionally, having your own channel allows you to experiment with different formats and styles until you find what works best for you and your audience.

Increased visibility

When you have your own channel, you can promote your podcast through your website, social media, and other marketing channels. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase your visibility in your industry or niche.

Creative expression

Having your own channel allows you to express your creativity and passion for your topic. You can bring in guests, share stories, and offer insights that are unique to your perspective. This can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience that keeps you engaged and excited about your work.

On a final note, having your own channel or podcast offers numerous benefits that can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your field, and express your creativity. While working for someone else’s content platform can be a valuable experience, having your own allows you to fully control your material and reach your full potential as a content creator.

While serving others to earn, you must not forget to serve yourself. As you master the art of using TTS software for making money online, you have to strongly consider having your own video channel, podcast, or your own audiobook. Such a choice could assure that you will have a more sustainable income stream because you are building a digital domain where freedom and self-expression thrive.

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