Using Your Voice For Online Money-Making

Using Your Voice For Online Money-Making

Speaking is a natural talent that you and I possess. One way or another, you might have wondered how it could be converted into a stream of income, especially via online platforms.

Here’s you can make money with your voice online while just sitting down at home, or getting locked down because of the global situations we’re dealing with.

Use your voice for these:

Be a social media broadcaster

Here’s something you should know, many radio broadcasters are shifting from the AM/FM setting into social media. Because of the obvious fact that setting up your own radio station is quite laborious and not to mention very expensive, some radio announcers are converting their Facebook accounts into their makeshift radio stations.

Because making a Facebook page or group is relatively very easy and free, all you need to do is set up your own page where you can conduct your live streaming sessions. The only tricky part of this is you must acquire a number of followers before you can actually start making money.

Radio broadcasting requires the power of advertising and for that, you need actual advertisers so you can gain revenue as you conduct daily broadcasts. You may also do some indirect selling as you talk and discuss various topics.

Indirect selling is the way to go since being too ‘salesy’ is a bad idea. Viewers would be quick to give you a barrage of dislikes if there is more selling that takes place instead of discussing things that give them value or help them solve their problems.

Here, you’ll learn about selling with your Facebook page in an indirect way.

Launch your own podcast series

As implied in the term, ‘podcasting’ is now the modern version of ‘broadcasting.’ This digital version of the radio format that we’ve known for decades already. It is now a very profitable alternative for appearing in radio booths where you will babble about things that many people would find interesting.

Compared to typical radio broadcasting, podcasting is cheaper and because of existing audio technologies, it is much easier to conduct and execute. All you need to have is a cheap recorder or your own phone, and you’re good to go.

The only thing to have in addition to your recording device is a place that’s quiet enough so you can have very clean recordings. You’d have nothing but your voice to entice people, so you have to try your damnedest to make your output as clean as possible.

Here’s an interesting way of making podcasts without actually using your voice.

Create a ‘voice-only’ Youtube channel

Even though Youtube is very much known as a video streaming site, many podcasters are actually using the platform as well as an alternative for letting their ideas be heard. Many educators and lecturers are launching voice-only channels in which you can’t see their faces at all. You can just hear their voices explaining a variety of topics while slide shows or illustrations are being shown on screen.

Youtube channels like these are existent because of the fact that some people want to learn something while doing household chores, exercising, driving, or being on a trip. You might want to exploit this knowledge by providing your voice so people can learn while doing other activities.

Here, you’ll learn about Youtubing without using a camera or showing your face.

Publish spoken poetry

Even in this digital age, people are still captivated by poetry. If you have such a talent for making rhymes and speaking them at the same time, spoken poetry might be something you want to make money with.

Compared to standard broadcasting or standard lectures, spoken poetry requires a higher level of emotions to pull off successfully. This means that in addition to pronunciation, enunciation is also a skill you need to learn.

Here’s a tip, you need to go beyond just being romantic or dramatic – you also need to slap some humor or comedy into your spoken poems… such a technique could never go wrong!

Get help in making money with poetry here.

Be an audiobook reader

Many of us are too lazy to read an actual book. Thankfully, some books nowadays are published in audio format so we can just listen to them instead of actually reading them. Because of such a trend, many people today are actually lending their voices so they can read books in your stead.

Audiobook reading is now one of the hottest online jobs in existence and it might just be the perfect job for you if you can read and voice out emotions in a truly compelling way. There are lots of online platforms out there that are always on the lookout for book narrators and you could be that employee they’re searching for.

Here is a detailed guide on how to become an audiobook reader.

Be a voice actor

Are you one of those who dream of becoming a film actor but failed miserably? Then maybe you should consider becoming a voice actor instead. Though this is very similar to audiobook reading, the job is much more challenging because you need to truly personify the traits of the character you’re portraying.

To land a voice acting job, a set of extensive auditions must be facilitated. A company might conduct a live online audition, or they might just let you record your voice beforehand. This is heavily a trial-and-error kind of endeavor as online agencies are often too demanding with their voice talents.

Learn about how to become a voice actor here.

Be a technical support staff

Whenever something strange happens with your electronics gadgets, who are you gonna call? Not the Ghostbusters, but the technical support staff that stands by vigilantly. Commissioned by the company that sells your home devices, they are those who will aid you in self-fixing your troubled digital equipment.

Because of the prevalence of the work-from-home setting these days, jobs pertaining to technical support are very much in need that a lot of companies are relentlessly hiring new employees to fill in the high demand.

If you have a computer that often sits idly at home doing nothing and if you have a fast-enough Internet connection, you have to consider applying for technical support staff. A lot of online companies badly need your allegiance to work for them. The pay is quite good these days, so you have to give it a try.

Write songs and publish them on Spotify

Instead of trying to imitate your favorite pop stars, why not become a pop star yourself? In case you haven’t noticed yet, the act of releasing songs in the mainstream these days is very democratized already that you don’t need to get signed with a major record label just to get heard.

Using very affordable recording equipment that you can buy these days, you can make your own bedroom or bathroom as a makeshift music studio and start your career as an internet pop star.

The only difficult aspect for this would be the “creative element.” If you’re confident enough with your talent in crafting poetry and putting some catchy tunes and beat into them, you can already start your journey towards musical stardom.

Here’s how to make money as an online singer/musician.

Before you start using any of these methods…

You’re over-excited about using your voice to make money online, right? Before you actually begin though, please contemplate these:

Choose the one that you’re most passionate about – This can make you persevere against the process that’s not actually as easy as you think.

Improve the voicing skills you already have – No matter how talented you already are, competition will always be very tough. You need to have an edge against those that are doing exactly the same thing.

Acknowledge that you can’t make money right away – Just like with any other money-making endeavor, using your voice to earn online doesn’t happen overnight. You need time to grow your followers before you can actually start having it as a stream of income.

Explore other means of converting your voice into an income – The internet is an avenue that’s as wide as the universe itself. There are lots of other brilliant ways to use your vocal cords for making money. To explore more options, check out this guide on how to make money online out of any hobby you may have.

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