Making Money With Your Knowledge About Food And Recipes Online

Making Money With Your Knowledge About Food And Recipes Online

Since food is the most important of all the basic human needs, the act of ingesting it into our mouths and into our stomachs is second to none. Clearly, eating is the most important activity ever known to man. Over the span of countless centuries, the need to have access to food variations continues to evolve. Consequently, cooking methods spread through various social groups via word of mouth.

What you’ll learn here:

Over the next generations, men and women across cultural boundaries found ways to write and publish cooking instructions so that many other individuals can benefit from them. Thus, recipes and food articles became available everywhere.

Now, with the advent of digital technology, the publication of the art of cooking is also revolutionized. By employing a variety of means, you can earn a living out of cooking, and by giving content about your culinary knowledge, and publishing it online.

You can achieve it with any or all of the following:

1. Make a recipe blog or ebook

Making a recipe cookbook is easy. What’s difficult is getting it into a publishing company and having it approved. Don’t fret, there is a quick remedy to this. You can publish your cookbook as an ebook and sell it on the web. You may also choose to blog about it since it is easier to have your recipe articles published online than somewhere else. Starting a blog these days is so easy thanks to countless guides that flock the internet.

In making a cookbook or a blog, it is important to make your step-by-step process easy to read. You’re making a “how-to” reading material. Do your best to make your instructions clear and easy to follow.

Also, you have to highly consider putting pictures that would reinforce the cooking process. And bear in mind, we’re not only talking about simple and ordinary pictures here, we are talking about crisp, clear photos that can help an aspiring cook bring your recipes to life.

In taking images for your cookbook, make sure that they have proper lighting and are captured using vibrant color schemes. For obvious reasons, you wouldn’t want your readers to doubt the palatability of the recipes you’re teaching them to cook.

2. Make a cooking vlog

If you hate writing about the deed, maybe you want to video the deed and show it to people. Although you may need to spend a considerable amount of money to start a vlog (buying a camera, lighting equipment, videoing accessories, etc.), most people find it easier to vlog than to blog. As a consolation, people would rather see you do the cooking, than read about how to do the cooking… right?

According to surveys, lists of the most popular “how-to” vlog niches in Youtube would most certainly include gaming, beauty tips, music, health, and cooking. If a video channel about food is highly searched by people on the Internet, anyone who has cooking adeptness should highly consider starting a cooking vlog.

Whether you want to write about it or vlog about it, it is important to know what types of recipes should be included in your topics. Food experts have this understanding that people of these modern times love to hear about foods that are easy to cook, yet don’t compromise on health and nutrition. Since we can’t argue with the fact that “instant food packs” are popular grocery items, you might want to consider writing about recipes that include them.

By mixing up the likes of canned goods and leafy vegetables and providing a comprehensive process on how to make a delicious viand out of them, your recipes will surely be a hit among cooks and eaters alike.

3. Offer online cooking courses

Although there are lots of knowledge resources on the internet, many people are still willing to pay to get enrolled in online courses. The idea is that, if you pay for the attainment of certain knowledge or skill, you will most likely delve yourself into the process through the end.

Online classes are a very marketable endeavor these days, and your knowledge about food is something that many people are so eager to learn and absorb.

You can teach online cooking courses in any of these methods:

Article post series

This is different from your typical article posts in your blog. With it, a group of special subscribers will only be the ones who will have access to a series of information materials that you created just for your designed online course.

While your standard blog posts are accessible to everyone, your online course articles will only be accessed by paying subscribers.


The popularity of this method is undeniable these days. By conducting a live, on-screen cooking demonstration, aspiring chef wannabes will surely dig you. Not you… literally, just what it is that you offer.

But won’t these methods require a high level of technical expertise? Yes… and no.

While many seasoned online course providers do indeed possess in-depth technical know-hows in conducting their stuff, there are many websites today like that offer assistance to people like maybe yourself who have an impeccable skill set, but have no background about the technicalities of things like video-conferencing and web series.

Tips that can make your cooking-related content more attractive

Use a “typical home kitchen” backdrop.

Think about this, are there more restaurant owners than kitchen owners? Of course, there are more people in the second group. For that, you have to produce a setting or backdrop for your blog or vlog channel that shows a typical home kitchen.

By showing a setting that proves your recipes can be performed by anyone in any kitchen, more viewers will be naturally drawn to our writings or videos. Sure, you can also choose to conduct your cooking performances in a restaurant setting, but that will only attract professional chefs and big-time hotel owners.

The trick would be to do such a method occasionally too, to make the most out of your potential viewership.

Emphasize your recipe’s nutritional value.

Telling about your recipe’s yumminess is a great thing. You know what’s a greater thing? Telling about the nutrition that your readers’ bodies can attain if they cook your recipes. Good eating must be partnered with the words “nutritious and healthy.” So make it a priority to include them always.

Parents are always the ones who do the cooking. For sure, they wouldn’t want to feed their kids unhealthy viands. This should be a factor that can make a blog or a vlog that teaches about how to cook nutritious foods stay on top of the others that only teach about yummy foods but are not healthy enough for the family.

Focus on recipes with the most affordable ingredients.

Readers will look at you if you can nicely teach them how to cook, but if you teach them how to cook in the most affordable way, then that would be even more fantastic. As much as possible, explain the inclusion of your ingredients in such a way that they’d be affordable or at least, accessible to your audience.

As stated above, viewers and readers would be attracted more if you make it appear as if your cooking drills can be doable at home. It should also go without saying that the elements that comprise your recipes are easy to attain and not too difficult to grab a hold on.

Set the audience as the main character.

Maybe you’re a great cook. But how can the audience figure that out without you over-emphasizing it? – by making them the center of your explanations. It means that if you’re always the star of your blog, you will most likely fail.

Many novice bloggers and vloggers fail because they focus too much on making themselves famous that they forget to really teach their craft to their audience. Avoid this mistake by all means.

By speaking or writing as if you highly value the reader’s passion to be as skillful in cooking as you, you will rise to fame with the impression that you’re not really after it. Thus, the audience will love you more, and will even talk about you among their social connections. This will then have some eventual advertising, even though you’re not actually doing it.

Getting paid for articles about food and cooking

If you are not inclined to perform any of the tips mentioned above, how about writing your knowledge about food and drinks and submitting them to other sites? Depending on the level of your expertise or the length of your article, you could get paid some really decent amounts of income. Doing this step requires a separate article, and you can read the entire guide here.

Now that I’ve motivated you to do some clicking and scrolling, it’s now your time to motivate people to do some cooking. Encourage them to cook and eat, while you earn as you make them learn from your skills.

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